
Thursday, May 16, 2024

NewsNation Wants Access To The Gaza! Israel Will Likely Ban Them!

NewsNation could end up like al Jazeera if they report on Israel's atrocities.

Social media sites like TikTok expose the lies of Israel. Congress and the president passed a law requiring it to divest to an American investor or be banned. The Congress is trying to pass a resolution redefining antisemitism which includes punishments or sanctions towards Americans. The U.S. is downsliding in democracy as more Republicans are no longer willing to accept the results of an election. The Democrats are losing grip on their base. More Democratic leaning influencers on TikTok and X are feuding with one another over Israel.

The Biden supporters are becoming insufferable. They continue to dismiss protesters.

Democratic lawmakers and Hillary Clinton are examples of protesters.

Israel has been a thorn in President Joe Biden's side and it appears that he is no where close to removing it. Even if it cost him the presidency, Americans strongly disapprove of Biden's support for the fascist ethnostate of Israel.

The junk food media here in the United States has limited access to journalism when covering Israel. They must have their reports cleared with Israel before they report them.

Nexstar Media Group which owns NewsNation is demanding Israel grant them access to the Gaza Strip. The network wants to see the evidence of crimes committed by Hamas and have direct proof of Israel's allegations. The country will likely ignore the request.

NewsNation agrees and sent a letter requesting access. Why? Evidence. There is no way a conflict of this scale would take place without an honest assessment from the field, and I have to be honest, I understand why the IDF and Israeli politicians would be concerned about people seeing what they are doing, but this is just another reason for people to see what they are doing. They also fear that they may harm journalists, as has happened in the past. But it’s not their choice. This is the choice of a free media and it is a choice we make freely. So I encourage you, if you care about seeing the reality on the ground, figuring out how bad the suffering is, what the real numbers are, or getting close to it, let me know you want to see more reporting on the realities on the ground. Players pay attention to social media. Your voice will be heard.

If the reports are critical of Israel, the country will ban access and strip the reporters and editors of their property. The White House expressed "concern" about it. 

Never "outrage" or sanctions towards the state Israel and its crackdowns on the free press.

The Israeli government passed a law that bans networks deemed a "threat" to the safety of the state. Al Jazeera was banned from Israel which led to condemnation from the international press.

Under the provisions of the “Bill for Preventing a Foreign Broadcasting Organization from Harming State Security,” the government can halt broadcasts by the foreign channel, shutter its offices, issue directives to take down its website if hosted on Israeli servers, or seize the equipment used to provide the channel’s content for a period of 45 days with possible extension.

Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, wasted no time in leveraging the newly enacted bill, declaring on his X platform on Monday an immediate directive to halt broadcasting by Al Jazeera TV from Israel.

Chris Cuomo, Elisabeth Vargas, Leland Vittert and Geraldo Rivera doesn't know the risks of being a journalist.

“The terrorist channel Al Jazeera will no longer broadcast from Israel. I intend to act immediately under the new law to stop the channel from operating,” Netanyahu wrote.

The Qatari state-owned news TV network, as he stressed, “harmed Israel’s security, actively participated in the October 7 massacre, and incited against IDF soldiers.”

Netanyahu’s Likud colleague and his Communication Minister, Shlomo Karhi, supported the initiative, accusing Al Jazeera of serving as “a propaganda organ for Hamas,” a claim that has been refuted by Al Jazeera and many media watchdog organizations.

Al Jazeera Media Network swiftly responded, emphasizing that Netanyahu’s statements are false and constitute incitement against the safety of its journalists worldwide.

“Al Jazeera Media Network condemns these statements and sees them as nothing but a dangerous ludicrous lie,” the network said in a statement.

It stressed that for the safety of its global staff and facilities, it holds Netanyahu accountable. He  could not find any justifications for his ongoing attacks on Al Jazeera and press freedom except to present new lies and inflammatory slanders against the Network and the rights of its employees, it added.

The latest move, according to Al Jazeera, is just one in a series of systematic Israeli attacks designed to silence the network. These assaults include the assassination of its correspondent Shireen Abu Akleh, the killing of journalists Samer AbuDaqqa and Hamza AlDahdouh, the bombing of its Gaza office, deliberate targeting of Al Jazeera journalists and their families, and the arrest and intimidation of its field correspondents.

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), based in New York and dedicated to promoting press freedom worldwide, has urged the Israeli government to refrain from shutting down Al Jazeera’s Jerusalem bureau. They emphasize the importance of allowing the media to report freely on events unfolding in Israel and Gaza amidst the current conflict.

“CPJ is deeply concerned by new legislation authorizing the Netanyahu government to shutter Al-Jazeera in Israel,” according to CPJ’s program director, Carlos Martínez de la Serna.

He emphasized that such legislation fosters a climate of self-censorship and hostility towards the press, a trend that has intensified since the outbreak of the Israel-Gaza war.

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) also called on the Israeli government to refrain from closing down Al Jazeera's Jerusalem bureau and to cease using “national security” as a pretext for censoring critical media.

The IFJ voiced its concern over the Israeli government’s increasing tendency to restrict press freedom and limit journalists’ ability to work in Israel, noting a “worrying trend that has only escalated since the start of the war in Gaza in October 2023.”

IFJ General Secretary, Antony Bellanger, emphasized that Netanyahu’s plan to ban Al Jazeera would deal a severe blow to media diversity and the public’s right to information.

“The actions of the Israeli government are unfitting of a democracy,” he concluded.

It also adds more criminal indictments against Israel. Several countries have indicated they will hold Israel accountable if the United States continues to block sanctions.

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