
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Criticizing Israel May Cost A Dentist His License In Florida!

A Florida imam may lose his dental license because he criticized Israel on social media.

The governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis is a failed presidential candidate and pretty damn insufferable as a person. He is a member of the " though police".

He wants to allow free speech for far right propaganda but punishes those who are progressive or anti-Israel. The U.S. is dwindling in popularity as they continue to defend the fascist ethnostate of Israel.

The Arab American and Muslim vote is now up for grabs. They hate the fact that President Joe Biden is still backing Israel. They are still upset over former president Donald J. Trump and his attempts to ban Arab travelers, bans on Muslim preaching and calls for investigations of pro Palestinian protesters.

Biden is losing favor because he promised to listen. He broke that promise.

Newsweek claims that a Florida dentist who did a spiritual which he criticized "tyrannical Jews" and said Israel is bordering towards Nazism is facing calls for his removal of his medical license.

Dr. Fadi Kablawi called for the murder of Jews and also called the current Israeli regime "worse than the Nazis."

"Oh Allah, annihilate the tyrannical Jews," Kablawi is heard saying in the sermon, as translated by Shirion Collective, a pro-Israel account on X, formerly Twitter. "Oh Allah, annihilate them, for they are no match for you. Oh Allah, annihilate the brothers of apes and pigs."

Kablawi is an imam at Masjid As Sunnah An Nabawiyyah.

There are 42 states that have on the books a unlawful act. The states can punish Americans who criticize Israel. The Israeli-backed International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance had defined any criticism which interprets Israel as a colonialist state, an apartheid ethnostate, a country on stolen land, a country that violates UN and international law or someone calling for the destruction of Israel is anti-semitic. It also notes the conspiracy of Jews running media, government and political thought as anti-semitic.

So this is a thought crime. 

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) are foreign agents of the Israeli government. They have a powerful grip over American politicians. These groups have pushed propaganda to stifle college protests and Muslim leaders from making criticism of Israel mainstream.

MEMRI was responsible for the propaganda. This outlet is responsible for the videos being put on social media. The group also misinterprets remarks and put selectively edited videos online.

Again it is a free country.

This fat idiot from Florida hides behind religion and his own bigotry.

Florida state Representative Randy Fine, chairman of the Florida House Health and Human Services Committee, submitted a letter to Dr. Jose R. Mellado, chairman of the Florida Board of Dentistry, requesting the suspension of Kablawi's dental license and an investigation into his practice.

Newsweek obtained a copy of the letter, which reads in part:

"North Miami, where dentist Kablawi practices, contains many Jewish residents, none of whom could be considered safe in Imam Kablawi's dental chair, where he could personally implement what he is asking Allah to do. Practicing medicine in Florida is a privilege—not a right—and as the Chairman of the Florida House Health and Human Services Committee, I call on you to immediately suspend Dr. Kablawi's license and commence a thorough investigation into his practice. The lives of some of Florida's Jews could hang in the balance," Fine stated.

In a phone interview with Newsweek, Fine, the lone Jewish Republican in the Florida State House, said he has been contacted by some of Kablawi's Jewish patients.

"His office is in a very Jewish part of the state," Fine said. "I've already heard from folks who have said, 'Wait, this guy's my dentist,' and now they're scared. He shouldn't be practicing medicine. This is a clear violation of the do-no-harm principle."

Fine shared an email with Newsweek, written by Dr. Mellado after receiving Fine's letter, which was sent to Florida Board of Dentistry staff members.

"I am deeply concerned with this inflammatory rhetoric and the potential danger it poses to Jewish and other ethnic groups," the email stated. "It is our utmost responsibility to protect and ensure the safety of the citizens in Florida. Please, review and act accordingly to protect the patients and the public in Florida."

Newsweek contacted Kablawi's office on Monday afternoon for comment. This article will be updated with any statements provided.

Fine's letter also cites additional statements made by Dr. Kablawi during lectures at the north Miami mosque.

On March 8, Kablawi said, as translated by the MEMRI, "Oh Allah, bring annihilation upon the accursed Zionists."

Just over one month after the October 7 Hamas attack against Israel, Kablawi stated in a sermon, also translated by MEMRI, "Oh Allah, show us the black days that you inflict upon the Jews."

Israel's war crimes in Gaza, sparked by Hamas' attack that killed 1,200 IDF soliders in southern Israel, has left much of the Strip in ruins, killing more than 34,000 Palestinians, according to the Associated Press, citing the Gaza Health Ministry.

Amid the ongoing conflict, pro-Palestinian students across the U.S. have protested the war, demanding their schools divest financially from Israeli entities.

Police have arrested more than 2,000 people nationwide in recent campus protests. The demonstrations have expanded globally, including in France and Canada.

Newsweek left out some details about Fine. He is a bigot.

In 2018, Fine demanded that venues in Miami and Tampa cancel scheduled concerts with the New Zealand singer Lorde because she had previously cancelled a concert in Israel after being urged to do so by activists from the BDS movement. According to Fine, letting Lorde play would violate an anti-BDS law that the state enacted in 2016. The concerts went on as scheduled.

In April 2019, Fine called Paul Halpern, a Jewish constituent of his, a "Judenrat" for supporting an event that discussed the Israeli-Palestinian situation. Halpern stated, "That's the worst thing anyone can say to me. I'm someone who’s been a victim of anti-Semitism much of my life, and there’s no worse name you can call a Jewish person than 'Judenrat.' It tells me about the character of the person who said it, especially since he doesn’t know me."

In May 2021, amid the ongoing crisis in Israel and Palestine, Fine made several derogatory posts and comments on his Facebook and Twitter pages regarding Palestinians, including a celebration of the Israeli army's bombing of the Gaza Strip.

So once again, if you're upset over a dentist criticizing the apartheid ethnostate of Israel while it is conducting an illegal occupation, numerous war crimes and literally committing a genocide, then you are the one who should lose your job or freedom.

President Joe Biden, Donald J. Trump, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Congress should all be fired from their jobs. Their support for Israel will be a deciding factor in the 2024 election.

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