
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Age Ain't But A Number But It Still Will Be A Biden Thing.....

Many of Biden's critics may never reach the age of 81.

Yes, his age is an issue.

Yes, his support of Israel is an issue.

Yes, his handling of the economy is an issue.

Yes, a lot of voters show concern about President Joe Biden as well as former president Donald J. Trump's age and health.

To be honest, I don't care about Biden's age. 

I care only about his stubbornness and willingliness to back an apartheid ethnostate. He said he wants to save the "soul of the nation." Nearly four years in and we are more divided than before.

To be honest, many of his detractors didn't survive. Rush Limbaugh is a perfect example of slimeballs who attacked Biden on his age and numerous other issues. He is dead and gone. 

Diamond, of the Diamond and Silk fame is gone. The Hollaway sister died and she was serving a dose of anti-Biden rhetoric.

I am waiting on Bill O'Reilly, Sean "Softball" Hannity, Roseanne Barr, Michelle Malkin, Tara Reade and Wayne Allyn Root to find a coffin to fit in.

Who's to say?

Biden is the oldest president to serve in current office. He said he can complete a full term and remain in office for a second term.

Biden roasted a reporter who asked if he would finish out another term as he met with supporters on a runway during a campaign stop on Wednesday.

“President Biden, will you be serving your full four-year term or handing over power to Vice President Harris?” a reporter shouted at Biden.

“Are you okay? Are you alright?” Biden replied in a clip aired on C-SPAN.

“You’re not hurt are you? I said are you okay? Did you fall on your head or something?” Biden jested and moved on.

Biden spoke at private preparatory school Girard College in Philadelphia as he and Harris launched their Black voter mobilization effort. Biden told Black Americans, “I’m still optimistic, but I need you.” He asked the crowd of supporters, “Are you with me?” The audience stood and shouted back, “Yes.”

Biden also sharpened his attacks on former President Donald Trump, saying that Trump “snapped” after losing the 2020 election and that’s why he encouraged the Jan 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol to retain power.

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