
Sunday, February 04, 2024

White Extremist Thomas Friedman Compares Arabs To Insects!

Zionists continue to use dehumanizing words against protesters and Palestinians.

We are not living in the animal kingdom.

Arabs are not wasps. They are sick and tired of the double standards when it comes to Israel.

They are not animals.

Thomas Friedman writes for The New York Times and spends his time writing bullshit pieces to make a profit. Friedman wrote that Middle East resistance is like a wasp and they need to be exterminated.

“Is there a better description of Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq today? They are the caterpillars. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is the wasp. The Houthis, Hezbollah, Hamas and Kataib Hezbollah are the eggs that hatch inside the host—Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq—and eat it from the inside out.

“We have no counterstrategy that safely and efficiently kills the wasp without setting fire to the whole jungle.”

Friedman is the left's Zionist. He is totally clueless and beyond common sense. He wants Muslims to denounce violence and terrorism. 

Hamas is regarded as a terrorist group by the U.S., Great Britain, France, Canada, Japan and Israel. The rest of the world and myself regard them as resistance fighters against the occupation.
Thomas Friedman is a warmongering white extremist.

Friedman continues this farce by claiming the U.S. will retaliate against pro-Iranian forces and Iranian agents in the Middle East that Washington believes are responsible for the attack on a U.S. base in Jordan that killed three soldiers on Jan. 28. At the same time, we could get a Gaza cease-fire deal, with an exchange of Israeli hostages held by Hamas for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. And Secretary of State Antony Blinken is going to try to bring to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel an option: normalization with Saudi Arabia in return for a commitment to engage with the Palestinian Authority on a long-term plan for a Palestinian state.

Friedman doesn't want Israel to have a two state solution. He just want to keep the status quo.

Yet, no pieces on gun violence in the United States.

No pieces of Israeli settler violence.

No pieces on how the American government is using our taxpayer money to fund a foreign country committing a genocide.

Friedman claimed he contemplate the Middle East by watching CNN. Friedman claims he  prefer watching Animal Planet instead of the war.

Hopefully the New York gives him plenty of time to do so once they send him packing.

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