
Sunday, September 18, 2022

Why Y'all Upset That Your Princesses And Superheroes Are People Of Color?

My princess is Black.

In the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom, racism never takes a break. The culture wars are ongoing and I blame Rupert Murdoch for most of this crap that's going on in the world. He has controlled the media with his News Corp company. He launched all these far-right platforms that have instigated racial tensions within these countries.

If he passes away, I'll probably celebrate by saying good riddance to a totally awful human being.

He will join Colin Flaherty, Rush Limbaugh, Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmond, Jesse McCarthy and Roger Ailes in the dirt eventually. These white extremists will never walk the earth again. Hopefully, their lives will be a brief paragraph in history books instead of books and memorials.

Okay, Disney is planning on releasing The Little Mermaid in the movie theaters and on its streaming platform. The movie is slated for May 2023 for the summer season.

22-year old actress and singer Halle (Bailey) is getting death threats due to her role as Ariel in the reboot of this classic animated motion picture. 

It is rightly frustrating how the junk food media and these extremists are treating Halle, Duchess Meghan, Vice President Kamala Harris, Lizzo, former first lady Michelle Obama and Beyonce. They are literally attacking Black women right in front of us.

While I am thrilled that Halle is playing the role of Ariel, not many are happy about a Black woman being a mermaid.

The hashtag #NotMyAriel was trending on social media. I wasn't aware of it because I had a life at the time but when I saw the comments I literally shook my head.

They are so triggered by this.

They are upset that Ariel is "woke."

I will start addressing how American culture wars have become a symbol of white nationalism. This is the latest of a handful of issues that made 2022.

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