
Saturday, August 20, 2022

The Sean "⚾️" Hannity Word Vomit! 🤮 I'm Not The Media Mob!

Still annoying.

I have a question for you! 

Can you stomach three hours of radio and one hour of television listening to one of the most annoying media agitators in the world?

A guy who is clearly obsessed with Hillary Clinton, hookers urinating on a bed and zero experience Hunter Biden. This was a sample of what I had to listen for one full week of his right wing carnival on the radio.

A millionaire conspiracy theorist who has a platform on radio and television. He has an audience of 20 million on radio and 4 million on television.

For some strange reason he has pulled in ratings only for the fact that he constantly interrupted his guests, threw ad hominem attacks, constantly steals the spotlight and often peddled in conspiracy theories and white nationalism.

So let's understand how he operates. He literally brags about how moral he is. Of course, he is shameless in whatever he says, does and reacts to.

He complains about how the junk food media refuses to hold Democratic lawmakers accountable while literally doing softball interviews with Republicans. He literally trips over himself to brag about how his radio show, his cable program and his network are leading in ratings.

He calls critics silly and childish nicknames, calls the press the media mob and encourages his gullible audience to believe lies and misinformation. In turn, some may act out in violence.

Every August I devote a portion of my worthless life to write about this annoyance in the junk food media.

The FBI executed a search on Washed Up 45's Mar-a-Lago home and it set the far right off. Since the search, this annoying agitator has kicked it up a notch.

Non stop mentions of Clinton and Hunter Biden. Reminders of the Robert Mueller investigation being "Russia, Russia, Russia!"

Many of these arm chair generals and keyboard warriors on the far right are pissed and they believe Biden was responsible for "raid." 

The former president is mentioned far more than Biden. He literally sucks the air out the room. Every agitator on the left and right continues to brings him up.

He is the most annoying person in the media.

It drowned out Biden signing his Inflation Reduction Act and numerous other achievements. 

Sean "Softball" Hannity's longevity is known. He has been on Fox since 1996 and radio since 1994. He has aged but the antics and his formula has not. It is repetitive, predictable, literally boring.

The far-right agitator is the official softball for the former president. He practically calls the former president everyday. He literally gets his talking points from the former president.

Since Washed Up 45 left the White House, conservatives have undermined Biden presidency.

It appears that the softball is leading the way in undermining Biden.

Since Biden took office, he has been relentless on name calling, giving fake analysis of the president's mental fitness and pushing baseless allegations about his son.

Out of his nearly 20 million listeners of his carnival and 4 million viewers of his primetime shitshow, how many of them change the dial when he starts reminding us about Joe Biden's age and health, Jeremiah Wright's "chickens coming home to roast", Bill Ayers "the unrepentant domestic terrorist" , Hillary Clinton's "emails, health, quid pro and Benghazi", Hunter Biden's "laptop and his 'zero' experience", the Steele dossier, Barack Obama "crimes and birth certificate", Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Madonna, Alec Baldwin, equal justice under the law, hookers urinating on the bed, Humpty Dumpty (Brian Stelter) and the media?

You can literally predict how his show going start and finish. You can make a bingo card of everything he has said on his show.

He invites the same tired ass hasbeens on his radio and television shitshows. They are literally banned from every other outlet because they're too dumb or extreme.

Now that CNN has let Brian Stelter go, the softball has took a "victory lap."

The King of Whataboutism!

Is Softball Hannity too big too fail?

I mean he is a walking talking ethics violation.

Fox (in particular this annoying agitator) are peddling bullshit to Washed Up 45 and Republicans and in return, the Republicans promotes bullshit agendas. As a reward, the softball is given unprecedented access to people within the Republican Party. Hence forth the "softball" interviews and Freudian slips.

Softball Hannity, Softball!

This degranged cult of the softball's followers believes the junk food media is out to get him, Republicans and Washed Up 45. There's nothing we can do to change their minds.

I predict this annoying agitator and his divisive rhetoric will come to an end soon.

It is time for Fox to cut him loose. I want that old geezer Rupert Murdoch and board executives to fire this annoying piece of shit. 

Sean "Softball" Hannity, you're fucking annoying. I am not a doctor but I know that you have adult attention/hyperactivity deficit disorder, bipolar disorder and paranoia. You lack the intelligence to be a media personality.

You make over $50 million in revenue pushing conspiracy theories and misinformation. 

Fox should hold you accountable for your many years of promoting bullshit and concealing bullshit (i.e. Michael Cohen). 

Your time in the barrel is coming.

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