
Thursday, January 27, 2022

Conservative Outrage Over Biden's Pick Of Black Women!

Conservatives are already knives out against the possible Biden picks.

They are so fucking predictable when it comes to outrage, it's almost shameful for me to even discuss it. They literally are demanding qualifications and deeming whoever President Joe Biden picks as a token.

Justice Stephen Breyer retires, Biden is constitutionally allowed to pick a person to replace. Since Republicans are no longer in the majority, they can't block it. However, they can stir doubt and cause chaos. They will move the goalpost, promise a vote only to vote against it.

It is truly sad that we came to this point. But it's what our democracy deals with everyday.

It was never easy. History never told the truth about America. What we read in the books isn't the actual truth in my opinion.

When Biden pick California senator Kamala Harris as his running mate, the far right and leftists were vicious. They criticized her race, being half-Back and half-Asian. They criticized her record as a district attorney in San Francisco. They attacked her laugh, her food, her husband, her decision to be a senator, her dancing, her sorority and her role as a strong Black woman. Hell, they attacked Barack Obama for calling her the most beautiful person in California.

Here's our question of the day.

Are conservatives racist toward strong Black women?

They say that Harris is not qualified. You heard that, not qualified.

Republicans have no shame in what they do. 

So as Biden promised on the campaign trail that he will nominate a Black woman to be on the Supreme Court, the usual outrage about it is ongoing.

They set the bar so high for Black women. They think that Biden's pick is going to be a "ghetto" Black woman who will side with welfare queens

The shameless nature of the conservatives. It would be almost funny if it wasn't pathetic of the right running their charade.

Who ever President Joe Biden picks, they'll hate it. They'll attack the character of the person. Try to lump every crisis on her. Make a thousand excuses to why it's "the left" that are the real racists. 

All cloud cover for their white nationalist agenda.

The rammed through three Supreme Court nominees. They have a two seat majority in the Court. 

Uncle Clarence Thomas isn't representative of Black America. He serves the master of white supremacy.

He can't be Thurgood Marshall. He'll never live up to that expectation.

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