
Thursday, November 19, 2020

New York Dems Fend Off Republican Challengers!

Rep. Antonio Delgado (D-NY) fends of white nationalist.








The frustrations are there. What was supposed to be a Blue Tsunami became more of a Blue Stream.

Democrats lost seats in the House of Representatives but won the White House.

The Democrats may have the House of Representatives but are unlikely to take control of the U.S. Senate. So incoming President Joe Biden will have partisan gridlock for the first two years of his presidency and the possibility of a Republican-controlled Congress in 2022.

Many moderate and progressive members blame the noise of the far-left for their losses.

Democrats fault Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for the House losses in districts that Republicans flipped. 

Rep. Max Rose (D-NY) has conceded in his bid to win the conservative leaning New York borough of Staten Island. He lost to a white nationalist New York state assemblywoman named Nicole Malliotakis. 

Rose blames the Squad and Pelosi for being too far-left. 

Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) had publicly said that Democrats really fucked up on election night. She said that the Squad, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and the Justice Democrats have cost them crucial seats. She said that “Defund the Police” and “socialism” stuck to moderates and mainstream progressives like glue. President Donald J. Trump amplified the calls to reject Democrats and cast doubt on the election.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) had also voiced frustrations with the Democratic Party’s far-left.

He said that he fully supports Biden but will buck any notion that goes against the people of West Virginia. He said that West Virginians reject the noise of the far-left. It didn’t aim at Ocasio-Cortez but he said he rejects “socialism.” 

In response, Ocasio-Cortez trolled Manchin by showing her scrolling at him in the background.

The Democrats can breathe easily knowing that two upstate Democrats managed to fend off their opponents. 

Rep. Antonio Delgado (D-NY) managed to beat his challenger, white nationalist Kyle Van De Water, a Poughkeepsie attorney who ran on stronger borders, tax cuts, the 2nd Amendment and painted Delgado as a far-left radical. And like many of those in the white nationalist Republican Party, they resorted to calling Delgado a “Big City Rapper.” He was then known as A.D. The Voice, a New York-based rapper.

Rep. Thomas Suozzi (D-NY) beats a gay white nationalist backed by Trump.

Delgado, a moderate Black Democrat, ran on helping New Yorkers affected by COVID-19, farm assistance, immigration reform and women’s rights. 

Rep. Thomas Suozzi (D-NY) also retained his seat. He fended off a tougher challenger. His challenger was a white nationalist named George Santos, a finance professional who ran on a strong campaign and used the same Trumpian style tactics like Van De Water. 

Suozzi, who had represented a portion of Long Island, New York that went heavily for Trump survived his bid because of mail-in ballots and absentee ballots.

Right now, there’s an undecided race in upstate New York. White nationalist Claudia Tenney who once was a U.S. Representative is slightly leading against Rep. Anthony Brindisi (D-NY) in a race that is a rematch.

New York went to Biden. He managed to earn over 60% of the vote. 

Democrats need to figure out what platform they’re going to run on. Thanks to Trump and the far-right, Democrats are concerned that Republicans are deliberately trying to sabotage Biden and will create chaos in the wake of Trump’s loss in the general election.

The Democrats have long called for better leadership. Pelosi, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) has been leading the party so far.

Democrats are calling for people of color to be in higher positions. They are hoping that diversifying will bring back Black men, Hispanics and young voters to the Democratic Party.

Trump managed to win over 15% of the Black vote, 25% of the Hispanic vote and 21% of the youth vote.

Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-IL) beat the white nationalist who ran multiple campaigns for higher office.

White nationalists have taken over the Republican Party. The party so far has two Black Republicans so far. Rep-elect Byron Donalds (R-FL)  and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) will join the fold. Burgess Owens, the former NFL player turned far-right agitator is still awaiting the results of his election. Owens and Rep. Ben McAdams (D-UT) are still locked in a bitterly contested race.

Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-IL) managed to fend off the "Milk Dud" in a closely watched race. White nationalist Jim Oberweis was defeated by Underwood when the mail-in ballots showed she had a healthy lead against him. The white nationalist has demanded a recount.

Trump had pretty much fucked up his campaign by complaining about mail-in ballots. With this pandemic, Americans aren't going to spend hours in line waiting to vote. They are not going to risk their health for in-person voting. Even early voting was controversial. Due to the United States Postal Service and Postmaster General Louis DeJoy fucking up the mail, folks risked COVID-19 to vote early..

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