
Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Trump Made Laura Ingraham Cringe!

Trump fumbles even a softball interview with Laura Ingraham.

Donald J. Trump's rhetoric has sparked unrest across the nation. He can't blame Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for the world's problems when he's the President of the United States. The responsibility of the country lies on the feet of Trump, period.

The coronavirus hasn't disappeared. It hasn't went away in the summer. The infection rate has soared over 6.8 million cases. The death count is over 225,000. The "miracles" that Trump and the FDA are throwing out are not tested well. States are sending students back to school and it's backfiring big time. Face masks are now a political issue.

People are acting foolish when asked to wear facial masks in facilities. Trust me, I've dealt with it multiple times with people who refuse to wear face mask at my job.

Far-right agitator Laura Ingraham interviews Trump and he had said some of the most disturbing word vomit in this interview. It was cringe-worthy. It was pure Trump and Fox News at worst.

His supporters will love it. It's pure Trump and he's desperate. The Republican National Convention didn't have a specific platform going in. They ran on a white nationalist platform.

The agitator did a sit-down interview at The White House. On Monday, Trump detailed the unrest in Portland, the shooting of Jacob Blake, Black Lives Matter, his agenda, Biden and Democrats.

He made a ridiculous accusation against Biden and Ingraham tried to stop him from pushing it.

Ingraham tried to save him from digging himself a grave. Because he compared the shooting of Jacob Blake to golf. It was amazing that even a softball interview with a Trump loyalist can go wrong.

In the interview, he said that Portland, Oregon was burning for decades. He said that Ted Wheeler was nearly killed by protesters. He's wrong on that one. Federal agents had tear gassed and shoved Wheeler when he walked with protesters.

Trump condemned the shooting in Portland that killed a far-right extremist. This left-wing extremist killed him at point blank range. Trump said that Biden and Democrats are rooting for violence in the country. Trump claims that Wheeler is "sick" for not acting for federal troops.

He also claimed he ordered the national guard to Kenosha, Wisconsin. This was false. Gov. Tony Evers has issued the guard and Kenosha city and county officials have ordered a curfew. He is expected to head to the city.
Laura Ingraham did a softball interview with Trump. Even Trump fumbled that.
He also rambled about how the junk food media protected Biden. He said that Biden will crash the economy and destroy the world.

He resorting on that old canard about Biden "being stuck in the basement."

Trump also made a ridiculous assertion about "thugs" in "dark uniforms" flying into Washington and also compared police brutality against African Americans to golfers cracking under pressure.

Ingraham interjected: "What does that mean? That sounds like a conspiracy theory. Dark shadows. What is that?"

Trump insisted: "There are people that are on the streets, there are people that are controlling the streets."

The conversation then took an even stranger turn. "We had somebody get on a plane from a certain city this weekend," Trump said. "And in the plane, it was almost completely loaded with thugs, wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms, with gear and this and that."

A puzzled Ingraham pressed for details. Trump deflected cryptically: "I'll tell you some time. It's under investigation right now."

But he added that his witness, heading to the Republican national convention, had reported seeing "a lot of people were on the plane to do big damage." Trump's claim appeared baffling in the absence of further evidence.

Trump is notorious for pushing the "birther" conspiracy theory about Barack Obama and recently declining to denounce the antisemitic Q'Anon movement.

In the interview with Ingraham, Trump also continued his racially divisive rhetoric, describing Black Lives Matter as a "Marxist organization". He said: "The first time I ever heard of Black Lives Matter, I said, 'That's a terrible name. It's so discriminatory'. It's bad for Black people. It's bad for everybody."

The president is due to visit Kenosha, Wisconsin on Tuesday despite a warning from Evers that he is only likely to inflame tensions. The city has witnessed deadly unrest after Jacob Blake, an African American man, was shot seven times in the back by police and left paralysed from the waist down.

Reminder, Sean Hannity is the official softball of the Donald J. Trump Presidency.

This interview won't shake his support. Mind you, Michael Moore said that his base is enthusiastic despite the chaos he is causing.

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