
Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Trump Lost Drudge!

Trump is getting trashed by The Drudge Report.
The Drudge Report continues to heavy traffic from conservatives, progressives and libertarians. The website looks like a 1990s Craigslist advertiser still pulls in nearly 10 million clicks a day.

Donald J. Trump's media allies are Sean "Softball" Hannity, old fart Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, Jeanine Pirro, Lou Dobbs, Mark Levin, Maria Bartiromo, Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade, Ainsley Earhardt, Terrence K. Williams, Bill Cunningham, OANN, Breitbart and The National Enquirer. Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin and Erick Erickson have slowly started to view Trump favorable after years of trashing him.

Trump had allies like Ann Coulter, Michael Medved, Anthony Scaramucci and Michael Cohen.

They left him. They felt he betrayed conservative principles.

And now, the reclusive race-baiting far-right Matt Drudge is apparently leaving him.

The latest shots fired against Trump come in the form of an embarrassing photo of Trump stumbling while climbing up stairs and talks about mini-strokes.

The book Donald Trump v. The United States it describes an incident that Trump and Mike Pence dispute. It involved a serious health concern with Trump and the possibility of Pence assuming the presidency if Trump was unable to do so.

In a book written by Michael Schmidt, it described the unofficial Trump trip to Walter Reed Hospital.

"In the hours leading up to Trump's trip to the hospital," Schmidt writes, "word went out in the West Wing for the vice-president to be on standby to take over the powers of the presidency temporarily if Trump had to undergo a procedure that would have required him to be anesthetized."

"Pence never assumed the powers of the presidency, and the reason for Trump's trip to the doctor remains a mystery."
Ben Garrison took a shot at Matt Drudge's sexuality. The far-right cartoonist believes that Drudge betrayed Trump.
Trump said reports of him having a heart attack were fake news. He at one time called for an investigation into the leaking of his medical trip.

Now it was revealed involuntarily by Trump that he may have suffered a mini-stroke. CNN nor Schmidt never mentioned

He went on social media to blast CNN for reporting.

It lead to speculations that Trump's health and mental fitness. He is eats a lot of junk food, rarely exercises, plays golf often and watches cable news and reality television.

Conservatives have blasted Drudge for turning on Trump. Some have claimed that Drudge went to the left.

White House physician Sean Conley issued a statement Tuesday also denying that Trump had suffered a stroke or other medical issues.

"President Donald J Trump has asked that I, Dr. Sean Conley, Physician to the President, address the recent public comments regarding his health. I can confirm that President Trump has not experienced nor been evaluated for a cerebrovascular accident (stroke), transient ischemic attack (mini stroke), or any acute cardiovascular emergencies, as have been incorrectly reported in the media," he said.
Drudge has ran negative stories about Trump. The latest is calling out Republicans for hypocrisy.
"The President remains healthy and I have no concerns about his ability to maintain the rigorous schedule ahead of him. As stated in my last report, I expect him to remain fit to execute the duties of the Presidency," Conley added.

Trump's health as been a sensitive subject for the president. He has repeatedly cast doubt on Biden's mental fitness and raised questions about whether he has the vigor and energy to be president.
But he has aggressively pushed back whenever his own health is called into question.

Trump lashed out at the media over the speculation brought on by the Walter Reed visit last November, calling the reporting "dangerous."

He has also spent an extended period of time defending an incident at West Point where he appeared to struggle to raise a glass of water to his mouth and later haltingly walked down a ramp. At a campaign rally in Tulsa, Trump sipped from a water glass using one hand, prompting raucous applause from the crowd.

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