
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Collin Peterson Feuds With Ilhan Omar!

This ass is trying to save his seat. Rep. Colin Peterson (D-MN) decides to scare voters by villainizing Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) in his attempt to defeat former Lt. Gov. Michele Fischbach.
The intraparty fights between the Democrats continue.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) are members of the Squad. Those two women of color along with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) are the progressive version of the Freedom Caucus. They are the most vocal members of Congress who have little accomplishments but a loud voice.

Omar, Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez refused to endorse Joe Biden for president. They endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for president and caused a rift within the Democratic Party's progressive and moderate

They fell for a lot of the Russian-backed propaganda that could be masquerading as leftist talking points.

It's gotten to a point where I am ignoring them. They're screaming about Medicare for All, taxing billionaires and a progressive wish list when most of Americans are concerned about unemployment, race relations and the coronavirus. Now with Donald J. Trump and Republicans banking on filling a Supreme Court vacancy they refused to give to Barack Obama, the leftists are going to sabotage the only chance of keeping what's left of the agenda.

And it's getting worse when there's feuding within our party.
Plain jane is a serious contender. Former Lt. Gov Michele Fischbach is gaining momentum against far-right Democrat Collin Peterson.
Rep. Collin Peterson (D-MN) is an American politician who serves Minnesota's 7th Congressional District. It is considered a Trump-leaning district. Peterson was one of two Democrats who sided with the Republicans in not impeaching Trump. The other Democrat, Rep. Jeff Van Drew left the party and is a Republican.

Peterson is a conservative Democrat and is considered a problem within the party. He is a member of the Blue Dog Democrats, a centrist group of House Democrats who reside in Republican-leaning districts. He is considered a worthless member or Democrat in Name Only.

Peterson is the chairman of the House Agriculture Committee - a huge draw for his constituents in a districts where farmers depend on sugar beets, wild rice, potatoes, corn and soybeans.

He has been against most of the progressive agenda and hasn't backed Biden either. He is pretty much going to switch parties if Trump wins reelection and Peterson succeeds in winning his reelection.

Peterson is running on the far-right platforms of being endorsed by police unions, having a NRA A+ rating and being anti-abortion. The 76-year old lawmaker represents Western Minnesota and is considered one of the 10 Democrats, the Republicans have targeted.
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is being used as a fear tactic for a far-right Democrat and a Trump-backed white nationalist.
He did not support the Affordable Care Act but refuses to follow Republicans with the "repeal and replace" bullshit.

Peterson also wants to say he got the backing of the AFL-CIO, the Minnesota Farm Bureau and progressive groups that back moderates.

He is facing off against Michele Fischbach who a Trump-backed white nationalist. Fischbach was the former Lt. Gov. of Minnesota who was then a state senator and former president of the Minnesota senate. She took the spot shortly after Tina Smith left the position to be appointed as the Democratic U.S. Senator.

I have the race the 7th District as a TOSS-UP and I seriously believe his latest attempts at winning are going to backfire. Especially going against a member of his own party who is a woman of color and a Muslim.

Collin Peterson released an ad that targeted Fischbach and used Omar as a scapegoat. It was a sexist and racist ad. It reeks of desperation and its the same white nationalist strategy Republicans use.

The Republicans are resorting to "fear tactics" and the "Pelosi San Francisco Liberal" strategy.

The National Republican Congressional Committee are running these ads. In my opinion, the "Rolex Peterson" ad gives the perception that farmers are stupid and Democrats like Peterson are rich elitists who mock their hard work of agriculture. They act like farmers are stupid hicks who support Trump.

They can't even run on policies. They know that Trump's trade war with China and the European Union hurt agriculture and the coronavirus killed over 240,000 Americans. So instead of running on issues that matter, these two morons are weaponizing women.
Republicans and some Democrats use fear tactics to win. They always scapegoat Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) as their usual boogeywoman.
They're using these bullshit tactics against one who is a Muslim woman of color and one who became a first American woman to be House Speaker.

There was a video that circulated online.

Someone confronted Peterson about Omar being anti-Semitic. The agitator was trying to parse Omar's remarks about 9/11 as anti-Semitic. The agitator questioning Peterson himself was Islamophobic.

Peterson while walking towards the House office buildings said that Omar "doesn't belong" in the Democratic Party.

First things first!

The voters of the 5th Congressional District thought she belonged in the party as well as the House of Representatives.

Who the fuck does he think he is?

He's a 70-something year old fart bag who has nothing but 20th Century policies.

Last time I don't pledge allegiance to Israel, Saudi Arabia or Russia.

Folks have right to question why we were attacked on September 11, 2001. The extremist group al-Qaeda said that the U.S.-Israeli alliance and the brutal treatment of Muslims worldwide were galvanisting reasons to the worst attack on American soil.

Criticizing Israel isn't anti-Semitic.

U.S. politicians have long weaponizing criticism of the apartheid actions of Israel and those supporting the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions Movement. Supporting BDS is not anti-Semitic.

It's a movement to pressure the United States to stop aiding the Israeli government's brutal abuse of those living in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. It demanding that Israel be held accountable for international crimes against humanity. It also wants removal of a separation wall from the West Bank, full equality for Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel, and the right to return land to those generational Palestinians. They want the Gaza Strip to be freed of restriction of medical and food aid. They want Israel to abandon its abuse of protesters. They want Israel to stop villainizing critics.

White identity politics has been a theme among Republicans and Democrats for years. Conservatives have long played upon the fear of a Black president throughout Barack Obama's term.

Now that we have two women of color who are Muslim elected to be representatives of our country, they are look upon as "foreign" and "not one of us."

I do get fucking tired of the antics of Omar, Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez. They have no value other than being loud voices on the left. However, I don't tolerate white people using women of color as a weapon to scare voters. The "angry Black woman" is going to be the most "important" voter.

Y'all not getting it. Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) and the rest of these damn moderates need to return to the formula won their elections. He needs to work on winning over Black women.

Peterson can go fuck himself.

I rather see his ass fucking lose. I mean I am so fucking tired of white nationalism in our country.

We don't need racists like Peterson in the Democratic Party.

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