
Friday, August 28, 2020

Trump High On 70!

The recap of the longest night in television. Donald J. Trump delivers the longest acceptance speech of his time. 


The 70-minute acceptance speech by Donald J. Trump was a long rant of grievances against Joe Biden. Not much is said other than he promise to "Make America Great Again" despite having nearly four years to do so.

Trump held his acceptance speech on the South Lawn of the White House and held fireworks with TRUMP 2020 spelled out in sequence.

The closing of the Republican National Convention gives Trump a chance to accept his presidential nomination and Mike Pence his vice presidential nomination. The two celebrated with 1,500 attendees at this event.

Many weren't wearing mask or practicing in social distancing. Some say this could be a superspreader event.

Already folks are looking at Rudy Giuliani being infected by the coronavirus.

Then of course, the eyes rolled when Melania Trump greeted Ivanka Trump, the president's oldest daughter.

They also mocked Melania's dress. Her green dress was green and it was fodder for mockery.

There were blaring sirens and horns going off during the acceptance speech. You'll hear that in some of the acceptance speech.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Georgia state representative Vernon Jones (D) were shouted down by Black Lives Matter protesters.

The highlights of day four included speeches from Ivanka Trump, Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ), Alice Johnson, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Ben Carson, Rudy Giuliani and Ja'Ron Smith.

Let's just cut to the chase: BORING. NOT INTERESTED. LET THAT SOAK IN!

I was pretty bored with the Republican National Convention. I slept through some of the speeches.

Especially the one Ivanka Trump gave.

The ratings are in and Joe Biden beat Donald J. Trump by 4 million viewers.

Trump gave one of the longest acceptance speeches in modern history. He immediately went into his speech determined.

Nonetheless, you can watch the recap of the Republican National Convention here.

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