
Monday, August 31, 2020

Portland Unrest Is Trump's Fault!

Trump supporters came to Portland and one of them getting killed.




Donald J. Trump's rhetoric has sparked unrest across the nation. He can't blame Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for the world's problems when he's the President of the United States. The responsibility of the country lies on the feet of Trump, period.

Portland has finally reached a boiling point when a terrorist shot and killed a far-right agitator.

The Patriot Prayer was a rally for Trump supporters to intimidate Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters in downtown Portland. During the weekend, there were clashes between these groups.

The victim, Aaron "Jay" Danielson was shot at point blank range by a white terrorist who identified himself as a member of Antifa.

The feds are searching for this terrorist and he will likely be charged with murder. He could face LIFE in the iron college if convicted of this.
Ted Wheeler condemns the violence and he blames rightfully Donald Trump for it.
Since the death of George Floyd, protests have continue to mount in the country.

Ted Wheeler, the mayor of Portland is condemning the violence and said directly that the fault of his city's unrest lies on Trump.

After Trump called Wheeler, a Democrat, a "fool" and blamed him for allowing violence to proliferate in the liberal city, the visibly angry mayor lashed out at the president, addressing him in the first person through the TV cameras.

"That’s classic Trump. Mr. President, how can you think that a comment like that, if you're watching this, is in any way helpful? It's an aggressive stance, it is not collaborative. I certainly reached out, I believe in a collaborative manner, by saying earlier that you need to do your part and I need to do my part and then we both need to be held accountable," Wheeler said.

"Let's work together. Wouldn't that be a message? Donald Trump and Ted Wheeler working together to help move this country forward. Why don't we try that for a change?"

The testy news conference followed a chaotic and volatile 24 hours in Portland that began when a caravan of about 600 vehicles packed with Trump supporters drove through Portland and was met with counter protesters. Skirmishes broke out between the groups and, about 15 minutes after the caravan left the city, a supporter of the right-wing group Patriot Prayer was fatally shot.

Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson identified the victim as Danielson. He called the victim a "good friend," but provided no further details. Danielson apparently also went by the name Jay Bishop, according to Patriot Prayer's Facebook page.

"We love Jay and he had such a huge heart. God bless him and the life he lived," Gibson said in a Facebook post.

Trump retweeted the victim’s name and wrote, "Rest in peace Jay!"
Police treat the shooting victim.
It wasn't clear if the shooting was related to the clashes between Trump supporters and counter-protesters in Portland, which has become a flashpoint in the national Black Lives Matter protests since George Floyd was killed in May and an increasing centerpiece in Trump's law-and-order re-election campaign theme.

Trump and other speakers at last week's Republican National Convention evoked a violent, dystopian future if Biden wins in November and pointed to Portland as a cautionary tale for what would be in store for Americans.

Police have released little information and Chief Chuck Lovell said Sunday that investigators are still gathering evidence, including surveillance video from area businesses. Earlier Sunday, the agency released a plea for any information related to the killing, including videos, photos or eyewitness accounts.

Patriot Prayer is based in Washington state and was founded in 2016. Since early 2017, its supporters have been periodically coming to Portland to hold rallies for Trump, ratcheting up tensions in the liberal city long before the national outrage over Floyd's death sparked more than three months of protests here.

Portland has seen nearly 100 consecutive nights of Black Lives Matter protests and many have ended with vandalism to federal and city property, including police precincts, a county jail, the federal courthouse and City Hall. In July, Trump sent more than 100 federal agents from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to safeguard federal property — a move that instead reinvigorated the protests.

Thousands of people clashed with the federal agents each night for two weeks, as agents lobbed tear gas canisters and pepper spray at the crowds and some protesters tossed fireworks at the agents and shined lasers in their eyes.

Those agents withdrew July 31 but smaller nightly protests have continued in pockets of the city. More than 600 people have been arrested since late May.

On Sunday, Portland authorities urged people to stay away from the downtown as they try to de-escalate tensions and braced for what promised to be another night of violence. A protest was planned for Sunday night on the city's east side.
A man's life is lost to gun violence. Even though, he was a far-right agitator, his life mattered too. 
Late Sunday Oregon Gov. Kate Brown released details of a plan to address the violence in Portland while protecting free speech. She said the district attorney's office in Multnomah County, which includes Portland, will prosecute serious criminal offenses and the sheriff’s office will work with other agencies to hold people arrested for violent behavior and ensure there is adequate jail space. Also, Brown said Oregon State Police will return to Portland to help local police and nearby law enforcement agencies will also be asked to assist.

Trump earlier Sunday appeared to be encouraging his supporters to move into Portland in the wake of the shooting. After the shooting, the president shared a video of his supporters driving into Portland and called those in Saturday's caravan "GREAT PATRIOTS!"

Wheeler begged those who wanted to come to Portland to "seek retribution" to stay away.

"If you're from out of town and you're reading something on social media — if you're reading any facts on social media — they're probably wrong because we don't have all the facts yet," Wheeler said. "They are still assembling the facts. This is not the time to get hotheaded because you read something on Twitter that some guy made up in his mother's basement."

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf blamed local officials for failing "to protect their communities."

“I’m asking Portland officials, so that’s the mayor, that's the governor and that’s local law enforcement, to do their job to address any violent activity that is occurring in their streets," Wolf told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

Wolf said the federal government was prepared to send agents to Portland and other cities to protect federal buildings and assist police.

Lovell and Wheeler said they had no plans to request National Guard troops but the city is seeking assistance from the sheriff’s department and Oregon State Police.

Every time these folks offer "thoughts and prayers," "their condolences," "their hearts going out to," and "their apologies," they are not sincere. For every naming of a road, park, bench, building and holiday, it won't matter to the community. For every time they lower flags, offer moments of silence and candlelight vigils, we just offer "feel good-isms."

The website Officer Down is a memorial to those who were killed in the line of duty. Those who don't get their names mentioned in the junk food media. Also the website the National Gun Violence Memorial also keeps record of the many individuals killed by gun violence.

So far, more Black men and women are being killed by the police. I don't want to hear no talk about white suspects being killed far more. So far, the junk food media has spotlighted another Black man being shot by the police.

We have mass shootings in the United States everyday. We are the only country in the world that continues to do nothing about this. Donald J. Trump, Congress, the National Rifle Association and agitators in the junk food media have moved on from dealing with this. They're too busy sniping over partisan blame games. With Trump being impeached while in office, he's unlikely to focus on gun violence.

It never happens in your community.......! Until it does! Every community in the United States will eventually have a legacy. A legacy of tragedy. A mass shooting will affect your town, your family and your life. So I don't want to hear that bullshit about how "guns save lives." They don't. The only thing that survives a gun shooting is the gun.






We haven't forgotten about the many mass shootings in the United States. COVID-19 doesn't stop individuals from picking up firearms and killing others.

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