
Friday, August 21, 2020

Joe Biden: I Will Be An Ally Of The Light, Not The Darkness!

It's Joe Time!
Presidential nominee Joe Biden becomes the leader of the Democratic Party. He and his running mate Kamala Harris will lead the party to the general election in a divisive time where President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence will do everything in their power to defeat them.

Last night in Wilmington, Delaware, Biden formally accepts the nomination to lead the Democratic Party as their presidential nominee.

We wrap up the 2020 Virtual Democratic National Convention with Biden and Harris as the nominees.

Biden last night was emotional and strategical.

He delivered a heart warming speech which also addressed the president's actions over the past three years. He called the Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic a disaster. He made a pitch to Americans who didn't support him during the primaries to understand the risks of allowing Trump to win reelection. He said that he wants to be "an ally of the light" and not a willing supporter of "the darkness."

Biden said that we have four crises in the country. The pandemic, unemployment, racial unrest and climate change. He said that the economy that Trump inherited from Barack Obama has been ruined by his tax cuts to the wealthy, his failure to work on passing a fair living wage and the trade war he imposed on China, Mexico and the European Union. He said that millions of Americans who had decent paying jobs are unemployed. He said that Trump's failure to handle the pandemic has led to small businesses closing up, large companies going out business and Americans having to struggle to stay in their home.

Nearly 1 in 6  (17%) of American small businesses are closing up.

Working families are struggling to get by with the pandemic. Those who are working are required to wear facial mask. They are working

Trump has allies from the conservative Fox News Channel to Vladimir Putin. The year 2020 is according to Biden the fight for the "soul of the nation."

We will expect these themes during the 2020 presidential election. We will expect long lines at the polling stations. With a global pandemic in effect, Trump will find ways to keep Americans from voting.

Voter suppression is likely to happen this year. Trump has already made it clear that he doesn't like mail-in voting. He believes it's going to "cheat" and deny him a victory. Trump's newly appointed U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy is facing pressure to resign. He will testify at the Senate panel discussing why he decided to disable mail sorting machines and remove mail boxes from urban areas.

DeJoy, a billionaire donor to Trump is being criticized for his handling of United States Postal Service. Under his leadership, he has eliminated overtime, delayed first class mail and limited post office hours. Many states are not prepared for the massive haul of mail-in ballots.

We are in a year where the coronavirus (COVID-19) will make an impact on the lives of Americans who will likely be infected by it or killed by it. We have lost over 210,000 Americans to the coronavirus. We have over 7 million Americans affected by it.

We have unrest in the United States. From the streets of Portland, Oregon to the cities of Chicago, Minneapolis, Washington, DC, San Juan, Puerto Rico and New York City, civil unrest triggered by police brutality, gun violence, economic turmoils due to unemployment and natural disasters.

The Democratic Party continues to lead in diversity. The first African American president and the first woman to lead the national party in the presidential election gave their blessing to Biden.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have told the world that another Trump presidency could impact everyone. They have warned the American voter that another four years of Trump could harm democracy.

Already, Trump has said that he would love to eliminate the presidential term limits during a campaign stop in Arizona. Trump said that Obama "spied" on his campaign and said if he wins, he may seek a third term.

Trump continues to push the narrative that Biden and Harris will be far-left socialists.

The Trump Presidential Campaign is having trouble trying to painting the first woman of color as a problem. Harris, is the first African American and Asian American woman to be on a national ticket.

Here's the speech that Biden gave on Thursday.

It's Joe Time.

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