
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Biden: Trump Got Your Vote, Richard Spencer!

White extremist trolls Joe Biden with his "endorsement." 
Joe Biden is being trolled by the far-right and leftists. They're riled up over an endorsement that the Democratic nominee never wanted in the first place.

The leftists were trying to make a mountain out of a molehill this week. Ryan Knight, a gay leftist agitator who has been very critical of Biden had tried to get the ball rolling. Anthony Brian Logan, a Black coonservative was screaming at the top of his lungs.

White extremist Richard Spencer tweeted his support for Biden.

Spencer said Trump is "an obvious disaster." Of course, Spencer is angry over Trump caving to Israel and bending over backwards to win over non-White voters.

"The MAGA/Alt-Right moment is over," he tweeted.

The white extremist told his 81,000 followers that they should be "patient."

He added: "We'll have another day in the sun. We need to recover and return in a new form."

Asked by another Twitter user how he intended to vote, he replied: "I plan to vote for Biden and a straight Democratic ticket."
Spencer tweets his "endorsement" of Biden.
"It's not based on 'accelerationism' or anything like that; the liberals are clearly more competent people."

According to the Biden Campaign, the endorsement is rejected. Biden personally said, "fuck off" to Spencer and his white nationalists allies.

"When Joe Biden says we are in a battle for the soul of our nation against vile forces of hate who have come crawling from under rocks, you are the epitome of what he means." tweeted rapid response director Andrew Bates. "What you stand for is absolutely repugnant. Your support is 10,000% percent unwelcome here."
Biden has to fight off distractions. The far-right and leftists are trying to find ways to set him up.
Spencer popularized the term, "alt-right" to describe politics that combined white nationalism, isolationism and criticism of mainstream conservatism.

Spencer, Jason Kessler, David Duke, Jack Posobiec, Milo Yiannopoulos, Don Black, Andrew Anglin and Matt Heimbach are suit and tie white extremists.

They have embraced Donald J. Trump. They had a role in the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. That disgraceful incident killed Heather Heyer.

Disgraced comedian Louis CK donated to the Biden campaign. When that was revealed, Biden roundly rejected the donation.

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