
Friday, August 28, 2020

Brian Stelter: Trump Turned Fox News Into Propaganda!

We wrap up the Republican National Convention. The convention ended like it started, a lot of accusations and not so much solutions to solving them. The platform was literally a white nationalist delight. Each speaker has some Fox News-themed grievance against the Democratic Party and its party nominee, Joe Biden.

It prompted a journalist who studies the media to write a book about it.

The book Hoax: Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth is out and its a New York Times best seller.

CNN chief media correspondent Brian Stelter wrote the book detailing the relationship between Donald J. Trump and the far-right Fox News. He said that Trump has completely taken over the network.

He also notes that annoying agitator Sean "Softball" Hannity's role in the matter.

Softball Hannity has faced a backlash because he and Tucker Carlson interrupted the Republican National Convention numerous times blocking out speakers.

Since the complaint from Trump and Republicans, the softball had ran his show without much interruptions. He did remind his viewers that his shitshow will mention accomplishments by Trump.

All they've done was speak about how scary a Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration is to the country. They have nothing to offer in the end.

In an interview with Terry Gross of NPR's Fresh Air, Stelter had specifically signaled out the softball as the main reason to why Trump is getting his policies out to the country.
Sean "Softball" Hannity is the feedback loop to the White House.

"Fox is Trump's safe space. It's where he's not going to be humiliated, where he's not going to hear uncomfortable truths," Stelter said. "There's just no example of this kind of alliance between a president and media outlet ever before."

Stelter also noted the coronavirus pandemic that Fox News and Trump downplayed throughout the year. Fox News and Fox Business agitators repeatedly called the coronavirus "an attempt to defeat Trump."

"When the virus was silently spreading in the United States in February and early March, some of his biggest stars [on Fox News] downplayed the threat, almost edged into denialism," he says. "And the biggest problem about that is that Trump heard it. He echoed it. They echoed Trump back. So we're into this grotesque feedback loop where they're telling each other it's going to be OK, and they are lulling the president into a false sense of security about the virus."

The softball is openly feuding with Stelter. He calls him "Humpty Dumpty" over at "Fake News CNN" and says that he would love to "sue the living crap out people like him."

Softball Hannity held the 9pm spot since the network's beginning. He did lose his spot briefly after Roger Ailes told him his show was too bland and he quid pro quo Megyn Kelly to the 9pm spot. Kelly allegedly slept with Ailes to get the spot.

The softball was loosing steam during the Obama years. When his show was relentlessly attacking Barack Obama during the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election, he was hoping to see the 44th President losing. He had ran on so many narratives to make Obama seem like he's not prepared for the job.

When Obama beat Mitt Romney in the election, the softball was considered damaged goods. He was demoted for Megyn Kelly. He was placed on the 10pm spot for three years. When Kelly left Fox News, he shortly got his spot back. It took the cannon firing of Eric Bolling and Bill O'Reilly to shuffle the deck and place the softball back on the 9pm spot.

Stelter said that Trump and Mike Pence have ordered all federal buildings to carry Fox News or OANN (if available). Trump usually spends about most his morning a partially the afternoon watching the cable news .
Brian Stelter gives a grave warning about Trump and Fox News destroying American democracy.
He would often call into Fox & Friends to make conversations. He would often dictate the agenda through segments of the program. Whenever the program discusses a controversy no matter how small or huge, Trump would latch on to it and respond through Twitter.

Fox News would often take unnecessary risks to make sure Trump is satisfied.

When Shepard Smith quit the network, Fox News and Trump were happy to see him go. Smith was the straight news man who questioned Trump's truthfulness. Trump hated that. He hated many of the weekend commentators who criticize him.

He said that Tucker Carlson, an avowed white nationalist has impact on Trump. Carlson had been on the forefront of the coronavirus pandemic. Carlson literally went to Mar-a-Largo to plead to Trump to take the threat of the coronavirus seriously.

Carlson had an impact on Trump's decision to not send the United States into an endless war with Iran and kick off World War III. It also created a lot of tension between then National Security Advisor John Bolton and Trump. Bolton was on-board with attacking Iran. Trump was too but watching an hour of Carlson led to him changing his mind.

Trump's allies have hurt him in a big way.

Trump was impeached based on the crap he listened to on Fox News. When Trump was listening to Softball Hanntiy's shitshow, he got the notion to believe Ukraine had a role in the election. He asked the newly appointed Ukrainian president to "do him a favor." By listening to the softball, his mistress Sara A. Carter and shody journalist John "Deep State" Solomon, Trump became the third U.S. president to be impeached while in office.

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