
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Fox News Fires Heather Childers Out The Cannon After She Showed Up Sick Despite COVID-19 Warnings!

Heather Childers got sacked after showing up to work with symptoms of COVID-19.
Fox News has fired Fox & Friends First host Heather Childers after she showed up to work sick and put workers at risk of COVID-19. That's why you're seeing Brian Kilmeade, Steve Doocy and Ainsley Earhardt doing their show remotely from their respective homes. Earhardt is allegedly doing her shows from the home of Sean "Softball" Hannity.

CNN's Brian Stelter got wind of the cannon firing and posted it in his Reliable Sources newsletter.

Childers who was Fox & Friends First host since 2012 was asked to stay home after being noticeably sick on and off camera on March 18, despite her insistence that she did not have COVID-19. She returned back to work the next day, still looking visibly ill.

Since she was sent home, the network voided her contract and fired her out the cannon.

The State of New York where Fox News is headquartered had an emergency decree from Gov. Andrew Cuomo on March 7. He ordered that non-essential employees to stay home or workers who appeared to be sick to not head to work.

Childers would ignore the state order and placed thousands of her coworkers at risk of catching it.

Even though she denies ever having the coronavirus, Childers is now angry over the way Fox News treated her. She even begged Donald J. Trump to talk to Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch to help her get her job back to no avail.

Trump a frequent watcher of Fox News, has been criticized by Americans who feel that the conservative cable channel made him downplay the seriousness of the coronavirus.

Trump now is asking for Americans to wear masks, nearly five months after it was told now its time to wear facial protection.

Tonight, Trump will do another Fox News interview with Softball Hannity. After Sunday's interview with Chris Wallace, Trump has vowed to never do interviews with hosts he believe are hostile towards him.

We have over 200,000 Americans dead from the coronavirus. We have over 5 million cases in the United States alone. Many countries are banning Americans from traveling into their localities. We have a global trade war with China thanks to Trump's impulsive reactions. We have uncertainty with the economy, unemployment and civil unrest. Things have gotten so bad, I wouldn't be surprised if we're on the brink of a civil war.

The Sean Hannity Word Vomit comes in August.

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