
Saturday, June 13, 2020

Louisville Passes Breonna's Law!

Breonna Taylor's life is honored in a law. Louisville passed a "Breonna's Law."
Breonna Taylor died in March 2020 and her death would have went unnoticed if it wasn't for social media. The Kentucky woman was shot and killed by the police. It was a "no-knock" raid that was conducted in the middle of the night. The raid proved to be a deadly result. Her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker was freed from the county lockup. He was a licensed gun owner and he didn't know who broke into his home. He shot at one of the people who broke down his door. He ended up being charged with attempted murder. The county prosecutor formally dropped the criminal charges. The three cops who broke down the door and shot Breonna Taylor were placed in the freezer pending an investigation.

There's not facing criminal charges as of yet and it's creating tension between residents of Louisville and the Louisville Metropolitan Police Department.

And as these three cops await the possibility of facing murder charges by a grand jury, Louisville's mayor Greg Fischer had signed a formal decree mandating that any law enforcement officer in Louisville Metro-Jefferson County must use at least 15 seconds to acknowledge they are "police" when entering a home on a warrant. They also must turn their body cameras on five minutes prior to civilian engagement. They formally banned "no knock" warrants on Thursday.
Kenneth Walker's tearful 9-1-1 call is released. He is telling the dispatcher that his girlfriend was shot and killed.
They dubbed the law "Breonna's Law" in honor of her.

Fischer said this law will end the "risk to residents and officers with this kind of search outweigh any benefit."

Benjamin Crump and S. Lee Merritt praised the decision to end "no knock" warrants in the city. They are representing Breonna Taylor's family and Kenneth Walker.

Her death as well as the deaths of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery has sparked unrest in the United States. There's protests in the country demanding police reform and accountability for bad cops.
The three cops are off the street and they're facing the possibility of being criminal charged with murder.
The Democrats are swiftly trying to pass legislation that deals with police reform. Donald J. Trump, Republicans, police unions and conservative agitators have tried to label legislation as an attempt to "defund the police."

Leftists agitators like Jeffery Shaun King have tried to infiltrate movement. He has faced scrutiny for his constant attacks on Joe Biden. King is a Bernie Bro who once represented Black Lives Matter.

The official Black Lives Matter organization denounced him and DeRay McKesson.

King has been controversial. He has constantly tweeted videos of Black people being killed by vigilantes and cops. He often seeks donations to his causes.

The Daily Beast has wrote an article calling into question his motives and why he often seeks money for activism that never happen. King is also being called out for being a white man posing as a Black man.

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