
Thursday, April 23, 2020

This Really Is A Clown Car!

Jesse Ventura (aka The Body) considering running for president under The Green Party.
Is entertainer and former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura considering a run for president?

We'll see what happens! - The words of Donald J. Trump.

Ventura (born James G. Janos) is an American politician, entertainer, former professional wrestler, actor, author, media personality and conspiracy theorist. He has a show on RT America called Jesse. He is a WWE Hall of Fame Inductee.

Social media claims that he's about file papers to run under the Green Party.

The Bernie Bros/Bern Roses (often wear ðŸ¦º or ðŸŒ¹) as a way to describe themselves. Some of these trolls are considered Russian bots. Established in 2020 and tweeting over 10,000 tweets.

That right there is a "red flag" for me and many skeptical of a Ventura run.
Ventura claims Trump stole his formula to win elections.
Ventura ran under the Independence Party of Minnesota and won the governorship. He served one term as the governor. He was part of Ross Perot's Reform Party which had members like Pat Buchanan and Donald J. Trump. Trump ran for president in 2000 under the Reform Party but dropped out early. He left the party once Buchanan and Trump got into the party.

Well today Ventura himself shot down rumors he's filing a bid for the Green Party nominee.

He left that party in 2000 to join the Independence Party of Minnesota.

Ventura, who has a program on Russia Today, floated the possibility of running for president as a Libertarian in 2016, but ultimately did not do so.

Last November he told TMZ that he might run for president in 2020 as a member of the Green Party.

"If I do do it, Trump will not have a chance," Ventura said.

"For one, Trump knows wrestling. He participated in two Wrestlemanias. He knows he can never out-talk a wrestler, and he knows I'm the greatest talker wrestling's ever had."

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