
Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Stephanie Grisham Out! Kayleigh McEnany In!

Stephanie Grisham is ousted as White House Press Secretary. Her replacement is a far-white troll.
An unremarkable press secretary.

The White House announced that Stephanie Grisham is fired out the cannon. She will be replaced by CNN and OANN commentator Kayleigh McEnany. The 10 months Grisham was the White House Press Secretary was unremarkable.

Well there was that one incident when a North Korean security officer shoved her when Donald J. Trump was doing his latest photo-op with DPRK's Kim Jong-un.

During her months as the press spox, she barely held press briefings and only appeared on Fox News to do her usual bashing of Democrats and critics of her boss Donald J. Trump.

Grisham if anything will be remembered for her fake allegations about former Obama administration officials leaving notes saying "you will fail" to Trump administration officials. Numerous Obama administration officials rejected the claim. Grisham ultimately retracted the assertion.

Grisham had not conducted a formal press briefing in the White House.

Trump loves blonds. Kayleigh McEnany is new spox.
She will be reassigned back to the office of Melania Trump, the barely seen and heard First Lady of the United States.

McEnany is a pro-Trump booster and loyalist who will be under the helms of new White House chief of staff Mark Meadows.

Meadows, a former North Carolina Congressman and leading member of the do-nothing "Freedom Caucus" became the newest chief of staff after Trump fired Mick Mulvaney, the acting chief of staff and White House Office and Management Director.

Meadows has decided that Grisham will find a better place with Melania.

McEnany is a controversial figure. She is a political commentator and far-white agitator who promotes conspiracies and bullshit.

On Fox Business Network, McEnany made a bullshit claim about the COVID-19 pandemic.

She talked to Trish Regan, the former Fox Business host.

"This President will always put America first, he will always protect American citizens, we will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here, we will not see terrorism come here and isn't it refreshing when contrasting it with the awful presidency of President [Barack] Obama."

May these words come back to haunt her dumbass.

Once appointed, McEnany will be the fourth White House Press Secretary. The most colorful formers included Sean Spicer and Sarah Huckabee Sanders. These two were parodied by Saturday Night Live.

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