
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

What Happened To Verdant Julius?

North Carolina man shoved to the ground by the law.
As of today, the coronavirus has spread across the 50 states, five U.S. territories, the District of Columbia, the federal buildings, embassies and military installations. It's already affected lawmakers in Washington, DC.

Donald J. Trump and his COVID-19 team were never prepared for a major crisis. Trump failed to control the matter. So now, the government is slowing down, the economy is tanking and folks are getting angry at politicians for not working on behalf of those who lost their jobs because of it.

Many state governors are overwhelmed. They are calling upon Trump and Washington to do something. Trump ain't really doing much. He's placing the handling of the COVID-19 in the hands of Mike Pence and loyalists.

Over 80,000 cases and over 1,000 people are killed from the coronavirus in the United States.

Okay, there's a video out on social media showing North Carolina A&T State University student body president being violently handcuffed. The student Verdant Julius was brutally thrown to the ground on March 18 after he was entering his residence hall with friends to pack up and leave due to the coronavirus outbreak.

They refused entry to his friend friend because she did not live in that hall.

Cops pin man to the ground.
When he questioned why, they threatened arrest and said he was obstructing an investigation, but he didn't know about any investigation in the residence hall.

"If you resist, I'm going to mace you," said the cops. The cop that grabbed him was Black.

Both cops were filmed putting their hands on his neck and then slamming him to the ground.

Julius appeared calm and says: "You're honestly ridiculous. Like, we could have a conversation..."

The incident was filmed by a friend and then shared on Twitter where it surpassed 1.5 million.

The two cops were placed in the freezer pending an investigation into whether they were justified in using force against Julius.

The hashtag #JusticeforVerdant went viral that same day. They are demanding that A&T drop the charges against him and have the officers disciplined and a police review committee to review future police hires and complaints.

This wasn't the first incident in which the cops got hostile with students. A police officer at the university was placed on leave after he punched a student in a neck at the university's student hall.

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