
Saturday, March 21, 2020

Sucker Tucker Grills Kelly Loeffler Over Her Stock Boast!

Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) faces heat from the far-white. Sucker Tucker calls her out on allegations of insider trading.
Donald J. Trump has failed. His handling of the coronavirus has killed 300 people and its growing.

There are over 30,000 known cases. Every state, territory, military base, government institution and embassy has at least someone testing positive for the COVID-19.

Once again, the Republicans wreck the economy, failed at handling a crisis and blaming Democrats for the country being in a mess.

Like Trump has said numerous times, "We'll see what happens!"

Obviously, nothing is happening and folks are getting frustrated with the White House, state governors and Congress. Republican lawmakers are stalling the bipartisan House bill because they don't want fillers inside the bill. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) and Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) have once again stalled legislation on the grounds of their stupid "principles."

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has been trying to pressure Reagan, Bush I and Bush II judges to retire so Trump can nominate federal judges. The Majority Leader of the Senate is seeing that the Democrats could have a chance to retake the Senate. So why not get the courts packed with lifetime judges who have little experience on the bench. They'll learn overtime how to make decisions, right?

They have 50% chance of holding on to the Senate.

On Thursday, ProPublica released a controversial piece detailing members of the U.S. Senate being briefed on the coronavirus pandemic in early January. They saw the writing on the wall. Instead of saying something, they ended up selling their stock futures.

Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) is facing a slew of controversy. She along with Inhofe, Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) have use the information given to sell their stock due to the intimate crash in businesses they're attached to.

The list has grown. Sen. David Perdue (R-GA), Rep. Susan Davis (D-CA), Rep. Rob Wittman (R-VA), Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA), aides to Sen. Jeanine Sheehan (D-NH) and McConnell have bought or sold stock before the pandemic.
Sucker Tucker debates Loeffler on the allegations that rocked Washington, DC.
Loeffler goes to Rupert "Pervert" Murdoch's Fox News to duke it out with Sucker Tucker.

Sucker Tucker is a white nationalist who just about had it with Republicans and Democrats in Congress. He's using his show to encourage conservatives to challenge Republicans and Democrats in 2020.

He along with Laura Ingraham and Sean "Softball" Hannity have invested in recruiting Trump-like candidates. They were also told to stay focused on the pandemic instead of Joe Biden.

Over the past few weeks, Fox News has promote bullshit about the pandemic and now they're forced to cover the story (at least to make Trump look presidential).

Loeffler thought that she was going into friendly territory with Sucker Tucker. Not exactly.

The senator said that she was not involved in the decision-making. When Sucker Tucker directly asked her, "who specifically made that decision for you and on what basis," she said that it was "financial advisors that are charged with conducting trade in our portfolios....I am informed only after those trades are made."

Loeffler is married to Jeffrey Sprecher, the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange.

Sucker Tucker also called her out on the economy. She made a video saying that the economy is strong. Well it's not. Folks are losing their job and there's uncertainty for the foreseeable future.

So folks are demanding why she is making a profit off the pain of millions of Americans?

Her days are numbered. If the far-white lawmaker Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) does earn the support of the Fox News crowd (i.e. Sucker Tucker, Sean "Softball" Hannity, Lou Slobs and Laura Ingraham), it's over for Loeffler. Matter of fact, hopefully they force a special election to see who will face the eventual nominee.

Georgia is a LIKELY REPUBLICAN for both Loeffler and Perdue  who both are running for the seats.

The newly sworn U.S. Senator is going to face a primary challenge from the Republican Party but a formable Democratic challenger in the general.

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