
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Sanders Won't Quit Even If Biden Sweeps!

Bernie Sanders won't concede despite Tuesdays primaries.
Hence forth why it's really important to not give this asshat anymore attention. I am so done with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Michael Moore, Cenk Uygur, The Young Turks, Nina Turner, Shaun King, Linda Sarsour, David Sirota, Cornel West, Jesse Jackson, The Squad (Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN)) and the Bernie Bros.

They are truly a dividing factor in the Democratic Party. While the party is starting to unify around the Joe Biden, former Vice President of the United States, Sanders continues to chug along despite his chances at being the Democratic nominee are slim.

Ohio cancelled its primary elections and it's being challenged in court. I see the postponing of the primary as an attack on Biden. It was a deliberate attempt to slow down Biden's momentum.

Yeah, the coronavirus has grinded Ohio to a stop. But Gov. Mike DeWine's handling of this is not good. He cancels the primaries only 24 hours before the votes were to be cast. It's unfortunate that he could have done this two weeks in advance of the first signs of it making to Ohio.

Still, Biden is favorite to win this state.

Florida, Arizona and Illinois are still holding theirs. The primaries are being held today and Biden looks likely to sweep these states and increase his delegate lead.

Sanders is happy that Ohio governor Mike DeWine pushed back the primaries. He even made a snide remark about postponing primaries to keep this shit prolonging.

If Joe Biden does win the Democratic primary races in Arizona, Illinois and Florida, should Bernie Sanders concede or continue on?

I believe that Bernie Sanders has no visible path to victory. He should consider conceding the presidential race.
I believe that Bernie Sanders has the right to stay in the race as long as he has the money, volunteers and the support backing him. He should not concede to pressure from the Democrats and media.
Please Specify:

Every poll I put out comes with the same stupid ass trolls picking something that doesn't resonate with the general consensus. We're getting tired of this.

According to The Politico, Sanders had signaled that he will not quit the race even if the votes don't go his way. He reportedly has staff in place for states that vote as late as April 28, including New York, a state he feels he has a shot at.

Sanders staying in the race is going to hurt the eventual nominee. I'm not going through another 2016 fiasco because of Sanders. The Democratic Party should put an end to the primaries. If Biden surpasses the amount needed to be the presumptive nominee, Sanders best be out the race.

We are not in the mood for another Sanders protest and his fucking supporters. His supporters are either trolls, agitators and Russian bots. Who knows and who cares?

I am done trying to reach out to the extremists.

We're in this together. You with us or against us.

His campaign is "Not Me But Us." Well it seems like its all about "Me And Not Us."

His revolution is dying. He ain't got a chance in hell to capture the remaining states, Washington, DC, Guam and Puerto Rico. Sanders may have a chance in the U.S. Virgin Islands and Oregon but nothing else.

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