
Monday, March 09, 2020

GOP Lawmakers Caught Swag Flu!

How should I feel about Washington, DC lawmakers being exposed to the deadly disease?

Climate change is real.

You deserve it!

The definition of irony!

You can't fix stupid!

I'm not going to pray for their health or safety. They deserve whatever happened to them.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA), Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) may have exposed Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence to the coronavirus.

Trump is a huge germaphobe and conspiracy theorist is facing a huge crisis within his presidency.

He spent most of the afternoon trashing Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Democrats and the junk food media.

Not only being the third U.S. President to impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, Trump is now in a possible collapse of his legacy. He is facing a possible collapse of the American economy due to his handling of the coronavirus.
Four Republicans and one Democrat are self-quarantining themselves after being possibly exposed to the coronavirus.
The far-white lawmakers, Trump and Pence attended the CPAC 2020. Even the head of CPAC, American Conservative Union president Matt Schlapp and his wife Mercedes were possible exposed to the virus.

The lawmakers are self-quarantining themselves from the general public after reports they may have been exposed to the virus from a person attending CPAC.

Gaetz, a controversial Florida lawmaker wore a gas mask on the House floor during a vote on the $8 billion bill to fight the virus. He voted "NO" on the bill and was making the claim that the junk food media and Democrats were hyping up the epidemic to hurt Trump.

It also didn't help Trump over the weekend. He was caught on camera golfing at Mar a Largo and Trump Golf International during this crisis. The stock market opened on a huge downfall.

The stock went down over 2,000 points.
A handshake could be deadly!
The U.S. oil market is under fire as well.

The Russian Federation and Saudi Arabia has sparked an oil trade war.

Julia Brownely (D-CA) is the only Democratic lawmaker that confirmed that she is being self-quarantined. She said that she was exposed to the virus after interacting with a person.

Surgeon General Jerome Adams has been trying his best to calm the storm. He was recently appointed to the position. He is one of the only African Americans in Trump's White House actually smart. But lordy, he's trying his hardest to please Trump while there's a crisis.

I mean even the idiot Ben Carson, who is a certified doctor couldn't figure out why the coronavirus is spreading across the United States. Carson is the current Housing and Urban Development secretary.

Trump says the world is overreacting.

If the economy crashes, who will be blamed for this? Barack Obama?

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