
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Andrew Yang Got Biden!

Andrew Yang backs Biden.
He was the last person of color to remain on the debate stage. He brought us the #YangGang.

He is a prominent voice of progressives and today he's throwing his support for the Democratic nomination.

Shortly after the Michigan primary, Andrew Yang, the millionaire business mogul and former Democratic presidential candidate endorsed former vice president Joe Biden.

This is the latest endorsement for the former vice president. He previously endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in 2016. He said that the time is now for Democrats to unite around a nominee who can beat Donald Trump and restore sanity in the country.

The #YangGang is getting behind Biden.

"I believe that Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee," Yang said. "And I've always said I'm going to support whoever the nominee is, so I hereby am endorsing Joe Biden to be not just the nominee for the Democratic Party but the next president of the United States.

Yang mentioned Sanders as a primary factor to his inspiration to run for president.

While he praises Sanders for his compassion, Yang said that the numbers aren't in Sanders' favor.

He said that voters in Mississippi, Missouri, Idaho and Michigan have decided that Biden is their choice not Sanders. The North Dakota Caucus went for Sanders and the Washington state primary is too close to call. Sanders is leading by .03%.

"The math says Joe is our prohibitive nominee. We need to bring this party together," said Yang.

Biden's victories on Tuesday got him closer to becoming the presumptive nominee.

Biden's decisive victory in Michigan all but doomed Sanders' chances in Ohio, Illinois, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Florida. Sanders has to win at least four of these states to still be viable.
Joe netted a big endorsement. Andrew Yang, the progressive millionaire has formally backed his bid for president.
Yang's influence could sway progressives who support him to get behind Biden. Matter of fact, he could pull some of Sanders' supporters.

"Joe called me last week, you know, we had a great conversation," Yang said. "It was hard to say no to Joe at the time, but I have such admiration and respect for Bernie, what he's meant to so many Americans. I think Bernie has call out the real problems in a very powerful and necessary way, so I wanted to let the Democratic process play out."

Biden got the support of former rivals. Yang, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Michael Bloomberg, Pete Buttigieg, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Beto O'Rourke, Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) and John Delaney came out in support of Biden over Sanders.

Onward to victory.


Let's defeat Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party. The Democrats need to unite and bring America back from tyranny.

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