
Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Trial Of Donald J. Trump!

The final days of the impeachment trial. Republicans are going to conclude this without witnesses or evidence.
The impeachment trial of President Donald J. Trump continues. Right now, the U.S. Senate is asking questions to the House impeachment managers and White House defense team.

Yesterday, a whole lot of controversy.

Alan Dershowitz made the case to say that Trump's attempts to get foreign help in his bid to win reelection is not impeachable. He said that it was in the interest of the country for a president to get all he needs to win.

The Republicans are confident they can wrap up this impeachment trial within days. They came with this ridiculous notion that we "can't remove a duly elected president" in the time of an election year.

Remember Grim Riper (Addison) Mitchell McConnell (R-KY) denied Barack Obama his third Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland on the grounds that a "duly elected president" cannot nominate a justice while there's an election.

Republicans are hoping to conclude this trial without witnesses or evidence. The White House has stifled former NSA John Bolton from releasing information in his memoir. They refuse to have witnesses take the stand.

Trump continues to attack Bolton.

They continue to use the defense that Trump allowed the release of Ukrainian military funds.

They want to use the shoddy argument that Trump wanted to get to the bottom of corruption and prove to the world that Democratic candidate Joe Biden and his son Hunter pressure Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who allegedly investigated them. The truth is that the Trump administration got in touch with a longtime political donor Lev Parnas.

Parnas was introduced by Rudy Giuliani.

Parnas and his partner Igor Furman were helping Giuliani dig dirt on Biden. They got help from Victoria Toensing and Joe DiGionava. They hired John "Deep State" Solomon as their pointman.

Solomon would concoct stories about Ukraine being involved in the hacking of the Democratic Party and John Podesta's email. He was deeply tied to the bogus Uranium One conspiracy and the Hunter Biden Burisma nonsense.

"Pervert" Murdoch's company Fox News promoted these conspiracies. Fox & Friends, Lou "Poo" Dobbs, Sucker Tucker and Sean "Softball" Hannity have promoted the crap since Biden announced his intentions.

Trump pressure Volodymyr Zelinsky to launch an investigation into the Bidens. He said if he didn't the U.S. wouldn't provide military funds to Ukraine.

A whistleblower reported it top officials and it launched an impeachment inquiry.

Here's a poll for you.

Do believe President Donald Trump should be removed from office?

Please Specify:

Every poll I put out comes with the same stupid ass trolls picking something that doesn't resonate with the general consensus. We're getting tired of this.

Today, the country is hearing arguments from both parties. The Senators will each have turn asking questions in regards to the trial.

Newly appointed Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) has her first days as a lawmaker. She is likely to vote with Republicans to not include witnesses and evidence.

Trump is the first Republican and third U.S. president to be impeached while in office. He faces two charges. One for the obstruction of Congress and one for abuse of power.

Trump is innocent until proven guilty by the majority of senators. He would need a bipartisan majority to be removed from office.

Odds at this point say he has a 95% chance of not being removed from office.

Trump has a 55% chance of winning reelection.

The Democrats have a 60% chance of holding the U.S. House of Representatives.

The Republicans have a 45% chance of retaking both chambers.

The Republicans have 53% chance of holding the U.S. Senate.

The Democrats have an uphill battle to win the presidency, the House and the Senate.

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