
Saturday, September 14, 2019

Sticks And Stones!

Why do trolls love to come to Black blogs?
In one of our previous postings, I covered the 9/11 survivor who had deliberately used the tragedy to take a pot shot at Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

This asshole named Nicholas Haros, Jr. went to the 9/11 memorial wearing this shirt called "Some People Did Something." It was a dig at Omar when she spoke at the Council of American Islamic Relations conference in Los Angeles. She was addressing American phobias of Muslims. She said that many Muslims were losing their civil liberties at the time because of "[al Qeada] doing something."

Haros is already making the rounds on far-white platforms. He is trying to exploit this for political gains. He never met her and never understood the reasons why she spoke about "some people did something."

She condemned the attacks like most Americans. But to the far-white and these trolls, anything said by her and Tlaib is regarded as anti-American. The continue to use baseless and moronic claims without factual evidence.

This how the far-white operates. They demonize difference of opinion. Take quotes and remarks out of context. Then of course, they wants ridicule those who disagree with them.

These women were known as The Squad and they are vilified by Trump and folks like this troll.

Here we go again with the word vomit.

So grab a magnifying glass and a highlighter.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Racist? Nothing the man said was in any way racist, so why is this man "racist"? Because he, and millions of other Americans were extremely offended over Congresswoman Omar's complete disrespect for the victims of that horrible day? Since when did it become "racist" to disagree with a democrat? Islam is not a race, if anything the man would be islamophobic, not racist. Do you know the man's race or are you just assuming what race he is, because that would be racist. See, your labeling people racist based on their race rather than their actions is a true example of racism. Congresswoman Omar's comments were very insulting to everyone who lost loved ones on 9/11 despite the victims race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, hair color, or political views. Your hate for anyone with different views is disgusting, your hate for white people is the very definition of racism. Your ignorance can only be topped by your complete hypocrisy. You are nothing more than a hateful racist left-wing crybaby who cannot accept the fact that your tantrums do not change who YOUR President is, and will be until 2024!

I cannot wait to watch the liberal meltdown 2.0, the 2016 liberal tantrum will be proven to be nothing more than a drop in the bucket when history looks back upon the meltdown of 2020. Just a little fyi, the democrat party is, always was, and will always be the party of racism and sexism. Democrats have destroyed countless lives, their policies keep poor minorities poor, Obama's policies actually increased the number of African American citizens living in poverty. President Trump in less than 2 years has actually reversed the destruction to the African American population created by Obama. A little fact about slavery, muslim nations are the only nations on Earth today where slavery is still acceptable. Here's another, the very first slave owner in "the new word" was a black tobacco farmer. The last slave owners in the US were the native American tribes who finally stopped owning slaves well into the 1930's..they owned people of all races. The US was the first country to ban/end slavery, the first country to give men of all races equal rights, the first nation to give women equal thanks to do the democrat party, they actually fought to keep slavery, fought giving equal rights, created the kkk to terrorize black citizens from voting, they fought against women getting rights, they fought against the civil rights movement of the 60's. Dr. Martin L. King was a proud registered Republican. You're labeling the wrong political party as racist, democrats are and have always been the party of hate. Liberals hate everyone who disagrees with them, liberals wish death upon those with opposing views, liberalism IS a scientifically proven mental disorder.

Anonymous said...
Poor choice of a word: "coonservatives".

Trump won nearly 10% of the Black vote. A strong showing for a Republican. Many of these coonservatives are either showing out or fading out of existence.
Anonymous said...
Are you kidding me? You, are the racist my friend. Your true ignorance speaks volumes by your words. Go educate yourself, pull your head out of the political toilet and be a caring, compassionate and empathetic person for a moment, if you can. That Congressperson deserved those comments 1,000,000%. Her race, her color, her gender, HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE WORDS THAT PARSED HER LIPS. She is a public figure who opened her mouth and now has to deal with those whom she offended, REGARDLESS of their political affiliation, age, sex, race, creed. SHE is an antisemitic person who sympathizes and supports unsavory radical groups and ADVOCATES such, in OUR halls of Congress? Wake up wallflower, stop trying to twist the truth to fit your narrative. And please, stop living on social media and do some real research because this, why you posted, is nothing more than toilet paper. It is certainly not journalism or reporting (and freedom of the press forever? LMFAO, what press?). This is merely YOUR biased hatred filled opinion. And you know what they say about opinions right? They're like assholes, everyone has one and they all STINK. So, STFU, grab your comfort animal, and go back to streaming the Cover-up News Network, MSLSD..or jump to your favorite "not"newspaper The New York Slimes or Washington Compost..or better yet, keep trolling Fox News (you might actually learn something). But for now, silly person...TAKE OFF EH! Pretty anti-American of ya.

7:19 PM

So I want to make this clear. I didn't read your comments because you're anonymous.

So I can't respond back with a usual fashion. I'm just going to leave this response in regards to those who read Journal de la Reyna.

Thank you for once again reading our blog. We offer you an opportunity to respond to our postings.

Far-white extremists would often troll Black blogs and social media to throw inappropriate discussions about people of color. They would use racial slurs, coded language and concern trolling as an excuse to justify their hatred.

Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are vilified by white bigots. They are outspoken critics of Trump, Israel and police brutality. They are Muslim American lawmakers who aren't afraid to speak truth to power.
Me and LeReyna are awake. We don't need your wake up calls! We ain't in the business of being awoken to an ongoing issue in the community of color. If we're conveniently leaving out something, it's the fact you've left out your fucking compassion for human beings.

If you have an opportunity to strain your eyes, I want you to understand the grievances of concern trolls.

As usual the concern troll blames the victim. Hey, no one is perfect. No one can live in a glass house without a stone being thrown at it.

I am not planning on going anywhere. I am grateful to LeReyna and will continue to help make her blog grow and succeed. Whether we gain support or criticism, we appreciate the good readers who view our blog.


This country is more polarized, less religious, less educated, less motivated, highly overweight, and bloodthirsty. We hide behind platitudes and run on narratives about who's more right than factual.

We are driven to discourse by the junk food media and social media. I cannot stop it. I am not in the business to stop it. However, I do have control over how I read things on this blog. I have semi-control over what is posted on this blog. I am not planning on changing my views on Trump no time soon.

Do us a favor. Ignore the trolls. Don't feed them. Use them as an example to keep pushing harder for change. Use these trolls as an opportunity to move the discussion forward.

Continue to read at your own peril.

We will not stop.

We will not be moved.

We will fight for the rights of people of color.

We will hold Donald J. Trump, Congress, bad cops and those associated to them accountable.

We will not waste our time worrying about you or those who think like you.

We all have lives outside the blog. Why don't you move past our blog and find a blog that supports your views?

Fuck your trolling.

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