
Saturday, September 07, 2019

Chanel Miller: I Am "Emily Doe" And Brock Turner Was A Monster!

American woman raped by Brock Turner speaks out against him and the judge who gave him a light tap.
The woman who was sexually assaulted by former Stanford swimmer and white privileged alumni Brock Turner talks to the junk food media. She addresses Turner and the California judge who gave him a light tap.

She stated that Turner is unrepentant about his actions.

Chanel Miller is reclaiming her life back. She is writing a memoir.

She wrote the memoir "Know My Name" which began in 2017. She address the assault, the destructive culture of fraternities and sororities. She addressed the party incident.

Turner dragged Miller behind a dumpster and proceeded to finger her up her vagina and anus.

Turner was caught by two foreign exchange students. He would flee the scene and soon caught by the law. He was booked on two charges of rape, two charges of felonious assault and one count of attempted rape. He was arraigned on the charges and plead not guilty.

He was served on three of the charges.

Turner has to register in Ohio and California.
"You don't know me but you've been inside me. In newspapers, my name was 'unconscious, intoxicated woman.' Ten syllables and nothing more than that. I had to force myself to relearn my real name, my identity, to relearn that this is not all that I am, that I am not just a drunk victim at a frat party found behind dumpster. While you are the all-American swimmer at a top-university, innocent until proven guilty with so much at stake. You cannot give me. You cannot give me back the life I had," she said in the memoir.

Miller lives in California and is hoping to regain her life.

In 2016, Turner was given six months in the iron college with half suspended. He was initially given a light tap and probation but they had to revise his serve. He would have been given a three nickel service in the iron college. But since he was a "star swimmer" he was a "good boy who did a few bad decisions."

The judge Aaron Persky was an alumni of Stanford. He was technically saying that "back in his day" he was having the same only he never did what Turner did. Persky was ridiculed for the light tap and faced a recall election. He was recalled in 2018. He became the second judge in 80 years to be recalled by the voters.

Turner who lives in Dayton, Ohio is a registered sex offender in California and Ohio. He has a LIFE enrollment in Offender U as a TIER III.

Should victims of sexual assault give Brock Turner a copy of Know My Name? (Expect trolls to pick the dumbest answers or offer the the most dumbest responses.)

Yes. I believe Brock Turner needs to be shamed. He continues to live his life like nothing ever happened. I mean the trial is over but his light sentence is a slap to the face of many victims of sexual violence. Chanel Miller's book should be given to Turner and former California judge Aaron Persky.
No. Leave that man alone. Brock Turner is following his court order. He is not committing any criminal acts towards women and children. He was sentenced and given a lifetime Tier III status. He is allowed to live his life and start a family if he choose to. We should at least let Turner regain a portion of his dignity. I believe the "Emily Doe" victim is cashing in on fame.

On Sunday, the bombshell interview will be on 60 Minutes on CBS. Miller will try to explain how the junk food media gives privilege to "fame" and scorn to "infamy." Basically saying that Turner's privileged life as a standout swimmer gave him the benefit of doubt versus a random guy who doesn't have the life he's lived.

The memoir is due out in September.

Miller is hoping to at least share her story to all women.

Here's something that you might not know about sexual assaults. Women of color (especially Black women) are often judged for their actions rather than believed. If a Black woman was raped by a white man, the far-white agitators will question her motives, political affiliations and economic standings. They will cast doubt on the victim and try to expose her life instead of the accused.

If a woman of color is raped, the far-white agitators will never believe her. They will often say that they're sluts, whores and broken home folks.

It often happens time after time when a Black woman accuses a famous celebrity, lawmaker or a privilege person of sexual violence.

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