
Friday, September 20, 2019

America's Defender Of White Extremism: Candace Owens!

Looney Coons starts a new season.
I want to like her, but in the words of Clifford "T.I." Harris (aka TIP), she's on some bullshit!

Candace Owens, is a Black extremist who got famous off being a troll. This woman is a proud defender of white nationalism. She is the definition of "whataboutism."

She is the equal of folks like Jesse Lee Peterson, Alan Keyes and that Black woman who claims she's truly white.

The Republicans who are the enablers and defenders of white nationalism brought this crazy woman to testify in regards to the FBI's disturbing report about white extremism on the rise.

Only a mere five months ago, Owens said that hate crimes are "fake" and the Southern Strategy is "a myth." The Republicans can't find a Black person besides her.

"If we're going to have a hearing on white supremacy, we are assuming that the biggest victims of that are minority Americans. And presumably this hearing would be to stop that and preserve the lives of minority Americans. Which based on the hierarchy of what's impacting minority Americans, if I had to make a list of 100 things, white nationalism would not make that list."

She rattled off Black-on-whatever crime, lack of fathers in the home, lack of masculinity in men and masculinity and abortions.

During the hearing, Owens also clashed with Dr. Kathleen Belew, an assistant professor at the University of Chicago, who was called by Democrats on the panel to testify on growing trend of hate crimes and combating white supremacy.

"To me, this feels a lot like your reaction to being named in one of these manifestos," Belew told Owens. "Now, you’re of course not responsible for the words of someone writing that document, but I do think laughing at it is a real problem."
The Republicans continue to use this woman as an example to issues facing Black America.
"The audacity of you to bring up the Christchurch shooting manifesto and make it seem as if I laughed at people that were slaughtered by a homicidal maniac is in my opinion absolutely despicable," Owens countered, referring to criticism she received for a tweet that responded "LOL" to reports that her name appeared in the shooter's anti-Muslim manifesto.

Owens has faced controversy for past statements on race and white supremacy, and earlier this year left the conservative youth organization Turning Point USA after making comments about Adolf Hitler suggesting that Nazi Germany would not have caused a war if it had stuck to its own borders.

"If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, OK, fine," she told an audience earlier this year.

Listen here Candace......

Quit trolling, you LOONEY COON!

Take your ass to them communities of color and talk shit. Quit finding comfort in Fox News, Breitbart or whatever far-white network you're comfortable with.

Hell, REVOLT TV was too friendly to you. Go to the Chicago and speak at Father Michael Pfleger's Saint Sabina Church. You will be welcomed. How about you explain to Mayor Lori Lightfoot your point-by-point plan on how to combat "Black-on-whatever" violence. Your plan to keep children from living without fathers (or mothers). Your plan on how to raise children in an environment where the gap between rich and poor is growing in America. Your solution to stopping illegal immigrants from destroying Black America's jobs. Because janitorial work isn't something your ass isn't doing!

Your ass is running around with problems. You're just not appealing to Black America.

Yeah, we need more Black fathers in the world. However, police brutality is real.

How many of them people of color killed by police were fathers (or mothers)?

I bet you're just another NIGGER to those far-white extremists on the web. You think you're a shield to white guilt, white supremacy and false accusations of racism. No woman, you're just another Black woman who is going to be either a victim or an example.

Candace Owens, you don't represent me. I represent myself.

I don't tune in to group think nor run on that master's crumbs. I rather be a father to my son, work my decent job and continue to vote for my interests (not a political party). My interest are not supporting white supremacy. My interest is not worrying about a woman's body. My interest isn't worrying about immigrants working in the country. My interest isn't in worrying about Black-on-whatever crimes.

My interest is in trying to move forward. Whether you're with us or against us, we're gonna keep it moving.

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