
Saturday, September 07, 2019

What's On The Menu?

Laura Ingraham has a new dish to try out.
Far-white agitator Laura Ingraham wanted to own the libs by doing one of the most dumbest things on television. The far-white agitator must be really bored.

Mind you, don't try this shit at home.

Only idiots would try something like this.

The agitator was trying to troll CNN's Democratic Town Hall on climate change. The candidates address the issue of climate change and have proposals that the far-right despises.

So on The Ingraham Angle on Fox News, the agitator attempts to drink off a steak with plastic straws and light bulbs. That's the far-white's way of saying that they're opposed to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her Green New Deal proposal.

"Okay, you ready? Are you really prepared for this?" she asked her viewers as an alarm blared and the camera pulled back to reveal what she called "the ultimate trigger sculpture."

"It has everything the Democrats hate," she said, advertising the art project. "If I could have put an SUV on this, I would have."

As the hunk of impaled beef sat before her, it occurred to Ingraham that straws don’t tend to work when used to consume solid objects.

"Can you sip a steak?" she wondered aloud.
Andrew Yang is either in fifth or sixth place in national polls. The tech executive is one of the many people of color running for president.

Nonetheless, she tried.

"Mmm. Tastes good," she said. "It’s kind of the vapors of the steak."

Giving a chuckle, Ingraham noted, "These are the light bulbs that Andrew Yang said are so dangerous to the planet because they burn out too often."

ngraham appears to have been referencing Yang’s performance at a climate town hall discussion with Democratic presidential candidates on Wednesday, where moderator Wolf Blitzer raised the Trump administration’s rollback on requirements for more energy-saving lightbulbs.

Criticizing the move, Yang warned that incandescent bulbs "intentionally burn out" and are not environmentally friendly. As a solution, he advocated for the use of bulbs that “consume less energy and need to be replaced less often.”

However, Yang’s position is neither as new nor as radical as Ingraham’s theatrics imply.

In fact, the phasing out of energy-inefficient bulbs has seen bipartisan support, and was included in a 2007 law signed by President George W. Bush to limit halogen and incandescent bulbs. A regulation derived from that law and signed by President Barack Obama aimed to place tighter energy efficiency standards on a wider range of bulbs, and would have taken effect in January. However, the current administration has announced it will repeal it.

Meanwhile plastic straws and beef were also topics of the town hall, as Democrats have advocated for paper straws and cutbacks on the consumption of red meat, which contributes to the production of greenhouse gasses.

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