
Friday, May 24, 2019

The Klan Comes To Dayton!

Far right comes to Dayton, Ohio.
The Klan is coming to an Ohio city on Saturday. Will there be violence?

The Midwest city is now getting ready for the far-white. Despite the attempts to silence them, the Sacred Knights of the Indiana have confirmed they'll have a place in downtown Dayton, Ohio.

Mayor Nan Whaley has ordered the shutdown of roads near the Courthouse Plaza pavilion.

In a rust belt city that is deeply divided by a river, the Klan decided to find comfort in exploiting the ugly underbelly of Ohio's sixth largest city and America's leading candidate for failure under Donald J. Trump's leadership.

Dayton, Ohio has a population of 134,000 residents. The city is caught between Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Columbus. The city was hub to innovation and historical figures. All of that has died off and now the city is struggling and trying to save what's left.

The Klan asked for a permit to speak but was denied. They complained and filed a lawsuit against the city and the state courts ruled in favor. The city tried to pass an ordinance to keep them from wearing their kones. That failed. Since Ohio is an open carry state, the far-white were permitted to carry a handgun but no assault rifles and concealed weapons.
Mayor of Dayton, Ohio condemns the Klan and urges citizens to stay out of the city.
Whaley issued a curfew for those living in downtown from Thursday to Sunday. That includes closing roads, closing business. The Greater Dayton RTA has also rerouted buses and changed the directional routes to positive messages.
Rust Belt city faces an unwanted problem. The far right wants to make Dayton a hub for it's battles.
The Dayton Police, Montgomery County Sheriff and Ohio State Patrol will cover all areas and do sweeps of the area. The city also asked for the Toledo Police to aid the city if unrest breaks out.

To be honest with you, Dayton doesn't want to a Charlottesville.

Obviously, anti-fascist groups are going to be there. The New Black Panthers are going to be there. Citizen journalists are going to be there. Civil rights groups like the NAACP and National Action Network will be there. There will be agitators who will stir the pot.

The junk food media will be here if there's a sign of problems.


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