
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Facebook Considered Banning That BLEXIT Coonservative!

Troll upset her account was suspended. She lucky that Facebook didn't outright ban her goofy ass.
Facebook is looking to remove more agitators that peddle dangerous content to people.

It's didn't stop at the first wave, they'll be more agitators denied access to Facebook. And of course, they're getting upset over it. They believe it's an attempt to silence their voices. They're upset that a private company is defining what's considered "hate speech."

Two prominent Black coonservatives are on the brink of losing their pages.

Candace Owens and Jesse Lee Peterson are controversial agitators who support Donald J. Trump.

They often appear on far-right outlets like Fox News and Newsmax promoting there bullshit about how the Democratic Party being the party of the racists. Shysters who run on the narrative that Blacks being trapped on plantations.

They are often peddling in kookspiracies about Black America's grievances with society in general.

Well some Facebook executives are deciding on whether they can promote their bullshit.
Mush mouth is considered a nominee for being permanently banned from Faebook.
There was a document that said "Policy Review" of what the company believes are "hate agents."

It was created in early April and was related to the most recent banning of agitators like Milo Yiannopolos, Alex Jones, Richard Spencer, Paul Nehlen, Laura Loomer, Louis Farrakhan and Joseph Paul Watson. They were considered too dangerous to Facebook and it promptly deactivated their accounts.

Candace Owens, Jesse Lee Peterson, Lauren Southern, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Mike Cernovich, Jacob Wohl and many others are on the verge of losing their social media.

It's unfortunate that the far-white and coonservatives scream about how they're being silenced.

If they were silent, you would have never head of them.

The Rhode Island Young Republicans announced that Candace Owens will speak in Rhode Island.
Owens will speak at an event on September 21, 2019. She attended the University of Rhode Island.

:This is a big opportunity for the young people of Rhode Island to hear about the Republican message. For too long, there has only been one voice in the debate. Candace is bringing a fresh take and attracting new people to our party. As a Hispanic man, I don’t exactly fit the mold of a traditional Republican, but I’m a proud conservative," said Rhode Island Young Republican Chairman Matt Martinez.

Trump signed an executive order (which is challenged in court) that colleges would lose funding if they boot controversial agitators like Owens off the campus.


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