
Thursday, May 09, 2019

Broke Is A Joke!

The Trump family ain't rich.
The New York Times found that in 1980s our dear leader, Donald J. Trump was blowing money fast.

They said that his businesses have reported losses of $1.7 billion from 1985 to 1994.

CNN reports that Trump lost more money than nearly any individual U.S. taxpayer year after year.

Trump ran for president branding himself as a self-made billionaire. As Sean "Lumpy Softball Ball Licker" Hannity said it best, Trump is a "blue-collar billionaire."

That imbecile often touted his financial success. But he's using executive privilege and his lawyers to block the Democrats from looking into his taxes and financial records.

Trump dismissed this story as fake news.

The House Democrats voted in favor to hold William Barr (aka Mr. Toad) in contempt of Congress.

Barr, the current idiot in the Department of Justice is refusing to testify in front of a House panel on regards to the Robert Mueller report. The special prosecutor had written a letter demanding Barr put perspective into his findings. The Trump team have been bragging that the Mueller report exonerated him and his allies.

Donald Trump, Jr. now faces a subpoena. The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee has subpoenaed Trump to testify about his connections to Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who promised dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Trump, Jr. who is campaign lead for 2020 has been scrutinized for his relentless trolling. He and Jared Kushner were involved in the infamous Trump tower meeting with Russian operatives.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is risking impeachment and possible time in federal time out.

House Democrats demand to see six years of Trump taxes. Mnuchin continues to cite that Congress' request to see them "lacks a legitimate legislative purpose." He said that he's willing to protect Trump's privacy.

Even that asshole senate majority leader wants this to be over. The most dirtiest lawmaker in Washington, DC is Mitch McConnell. He often plays dirty to win. He immediately shuts down debate over the Russian investigation.

He sides with Trump on keeping the redacted parts of the Mueller Report secret. He is up for reelection in 2020 and is likely to win again. It's unfortunate that he's the most dirtiest lawmaker in the country and yet they keep electing his rotten ass.

This is the white establishment we've warned you about. These men: Steve Mnuchin, William Barr, Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence, Donald Trump, Jr. and Addison Mitchell McConnell (Bitch Mitch) are the reasons to why government is for the "white people" and against the "rest of us."

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