
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Why Is It Hard To Fix Stupid? [NSFW]



First stupid story of the year. Hey, we're off to a great year. Folks, this is why I don't mess with wild animals. I live in Ohio. We have experienced a high number of coyotes in my neighborhood. I seen coyotes in my backyard. There's a neighbor who feeds these wild animals. With warmer temperatures, wild animals search the streets for food. Your pets, your bird feeders, small children or you could be prey for a wild animal.

Bears, coyotes, pumas (mountain lion/cougars) and bobcats are apex predators. They will react in proper fashion.

Reminder, wild animals are......well you know!

If you want to be a thrill seeker, you might want to get life insurance.

A white woman got a karma moment when she tried to cross an enclosure at an Arizona wildlife safari park.

The white woman who was not identified had non life threatening injuries after she climbed over a jaguar enclosure. She tried to take a picture of one of the wild animals.

The animal attacked her and ripped her arm and hand.

A witness filmed the graphic results of an animal attack.

The Arizona Department of Public Safety and the Arizona Wildlife World Zoo, Aquarium & Safari Park will do an investigation. They will determine whether the enclosure was tampered with.

The Maricopa County boys might charge the woman for trespassing.

The incident explain a whole lot of stupidity.

Absolute chaos said some witnesses.

The woman was in her 30s and tried to take a fucking selfie.

S.B, anything to add to this?

Noticing a pattern here?

You can't fix stupid.

1 comment:

  1. It's mainly white women and men, but women especially, who do silly things like taking photo selfies with dangerous and/or venomous animals. They're surprise when things go awry with such animals. It's dangerous, if not fatal, to pose with feral animals unless the person is thoroughly trained by an expert and even then there are risks.

