
Monday, March 11, 2019

What Happened To Trinity Love Jones?

The image of a 9 year old girl who was found dead in a suitcase was identified.
A few days ago, the junk food media briefly detail the tragic death of a little girl who found inside a suitcase in Los Angeles County.

Well it was confirmed that the body of 9 year old Trinity Love Jones was found.

The little girl was killed by two callous individuals. The Los Angeles County boys and Haceinda Heights Police confirm two individuals are people of interest.

Two county workers were clearing brush near a horse and bicycle trail discovered a suitcase and a foul odor.

They unzipped the suitcase and found the little girl's body inside.
The body of Trinity Love Jones was found by a work crew.
They immediately called 911 and the law responded.

The tips were fast and furious. A nearby camera at a local Buddhist temple may have broke the case.

The sketch artist made a clear image of the little girl from the t-shirt that read, "future, princess, hero" on it.

Again, me and S.B often talk about the controversial media coverage of missing white women. Trinity Love Jones did not get the massive coverage like the two white women from Colorado were killed by their former lovers.

Sheesh, I know more about Shanann Watts, her killer, his love life and daughters more than I know about this beautiful little girl. Her life was taken away at such a young age.

I heard more about that Kelsey Berreth's disappearance now listed as a murder. I know more about her killer than Trinity Love Jones.

Even our local junk food media is obsessed with a missing woman now confirmed as dead. Cheryl Corker got more attention than the 100s of women of color missing in Ohio alone. More coverage than this little 9 year old who was callously killed by some asshole.

Missing white women syndrome is a term coined by Black journalists. It says that the junk food media devotes hours of coverage to a missing attractive white woman or an adorable white girl. They victimize the missing white women and vilify the missing Black woman or girl.
Say her name.
They talk about how this white girl had a promising future while they mock or ridicule a Black woman if she had unfortunate circumstances.

Think of that monster that S.B is working on for Journal de la Reyna. He killed numerous women in Cleveland, Akron and as far as Pennsylvania. He is on the DEATH clock.

Most of the missing were either prostitutes or on drugs. No positive stories about their lives. No mentions of their previous achievements. All they'll be remembered for sex work than their lives as human beings.

Missing black children hurt the most. This little girl will be forever a news clip than a law or a push for change.

They make laws after missing white women and girls. Not once I heard a law named after a Black person.

Please don't mention Martin Luther King Jr. Day. He would never want to lionized as a martyr for white revisionists. The far white vilified him and if he was alive today, they would call him a race hustler and charlatan. The same shit Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton face everyday.

Shout out to Bishop Talbert Swan and Dean Obeidallah. Thanks for shining a light on some the darkness.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. I was going to write this but this is very sad what those a-holes has done to this little girl. This is beyond outrage. It's evil! I hope Trinity's killer be brought to justice. I know this won't bring their adorable daughter back but we need to #sayhername to the highest heavens.

    May Miss Trinity Jones rests in peace and God be with her family, friends, and schoolmates in this time of grief.

