
Friday, March 15, 2019

The Ten Reasons To Why The Democrats Cancelled Fox's Check!

Democrats should do a Fox News debate. They could personally call Sean "Softball" Hannity and his fellow agitators for the years of promoting bullshit. Fox News is the official propaganda of Donald Trump and Republicans.

Democrats should do the Fox News debates.  They can go on record and slam the network directly. They can say they are honored to appear on a network that is propaganda for the Republican Party. We appreciate the opportunity to air our agenda even though you guys will distort it, smear us and run nonstop conspiracies about us. Thank you for the years of divisiveness. We are glad to appear on Trump TV.

Okay, Tom Perez, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee pulled the plug on Fox News. He cited the recent New Yorker piece as one of the primary reasons for not giving the far-white news channel a debate.

Should the Democratic presidential candidates participate in a Fox News debate? (Expect trolls to pick the dumbest answers)

Yes. I believe the Democratic candidates running for president can reach out to an audience that could be swayed in 2020. Despite the network being conservative, Fox News does have a broad base of viewers who aren't just Republicans and independents. They do have Democratic-leaning viewers. It would be at least a lesson on how to handle a hostile adversary.
No. Why waste time on Fox News. The network is propaganda for President Donald Trump. The network will not give Democrats an opportunity to talk about issues. The network would spend a majority of time talking about culture war issues instead of policies from the Democratic candidates. I would rather see Democrats at least give other networks an opportunity. Who cares if Fox News believes the media is bias. They are the leaders in ratings. They are the crown of bias in news.
I have no opinion of the matter. I rather meet the candidates in person than watch them debate issues on television.

I got 10 reasons why.

1. Sean "Softball" Hannity

Years of relentless and repetitive attacks on Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Bill Clinton and prominent progressives activists are a reason to why Democrats shunned Fox News from hosting the debates.

Not to mention, Donald J. Trump has talked to his favorite softball every night after the primetime show. Some call the softball a shadow advisor. After all, they shared the same lawyer and talking points.

2. Jeanine Pirro

Shrewd and vindictive, Jeanine Pirro is a bitter old lady. Did you know, Pirro, the former New York Republican district attorney is 72 years old. You wouldn't recognize her due to plastic surgery and a natch for smoking cigarettes. Pirro is another shadow advisor to Trump. She appeared on stage along with Sean "Softball" Hannity in Missouri. They were never punished for this.

The most recent attacks on Ilhan Omar are prime example to why Democrats shunned Fox News.

3. Tucker Carlson

An avowed white rights agitator. Tucker Carlson came a long way from obscurity to become a fixture of Fox News primetime. His show is a dog whistle to white extremists. He has promoted stories that paint Democrats as weak on border security. He has often put on stories about Black on whatever crime. He has constantly and relentlessly attack immigrants, Muslims and women of color.

He has targeted Democrats by name. He has aimed at Cory Booker and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Yeah, there's a reason to why Democrats shunned Fox News.

4. Lou Dobbs

Fox Business host and Fox News contributor has a lengthy history of bigoted statements against Democrats. He is a birther, state's rights and straight up crank. He has made a history of demanding Trump to not give in to the Democrats. He was one of the main reasons to why Trump turned down a bipartisan deal to keep government open. Dobbs was considered a top pick for a role within the Trump White House.

Dobbs is old and senile. His show doesn't really talk about business. He dog whistles to white extremists.

Are you understanding why Fox News is being shunned?

5. Laura Ingraham

Often brash and on point, Laura Ingraham second time at Fox became somewhat successful. She is anti-LGBTQ (even though I suspect she's a closeted), she's anti-women (despite promoting feminism) and she's repulsive (said by her gay brother).

Ingraham's attack on David Hogg, a survivor of the Parkland massacre became her biggest scandal.

Democrats believe that Ingraham's attacks on survivors of mass shootings was deplorable.

Ingraham has history of inflammatory statements and is noted to be an unofficial advisor to Ronna Romney McDaniel, the idiot leader of the Republican National Committee.

Ingraham is pretty good reason to why the Democrats opted out of the Fox News debate.

6. Fox & Friends

Trump's favorite news show and press release. The controversial hosts are chauvinists. The whole show is a talking point for Republicans and Trump. They often promote false stories about lawmakers. Most infamous was their Barack Obama madrassah controversy.

Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade and Gretchen Carlson ran on this bullshit about Obama attending a radical Islamic school in Jakarta. CNN actually visited the school to fact check it and debunked the whisper campaign.

In 2008, the Democrats pulled from the Fox News debate in Nevada. Obama literally froze the network for almost a year. He cited that story and "softball" Hannity as reasons to why he wouldn't do a Fox News interview.

The Obama White House sparked a feud with the network in 2009 when Anita Dunn famously said the network was a propaganda arm for the Republican Party.

Fox News, do you understand it's not the network, it's the hosts, the agitators and the founder.

7.  Fox News Contributors

They continue to allow folks like Mark Levin, Michelle Malkin, Dan Bongino, Bill Cunningham, Sebastian Gorka, Tomi Lahren, Diamond & Silk, Ann Coulter, Sara A. Carter, John Solomon and Geraldo Rivera on.

They are cluster fucks.

They are terrible.

Here's an example of why Democrats cancelled the debate with Fox News.

Jesse Watters along with Diamond & Silk, the two coonservative broads were trashing on Maxine Waters. For what reason? Because Waters wants to impeach Trump. They start their clucking.

8. Rupert Murodch, the Australian-born billionaire has allowed this tabloid nonsense infest our airwaves. Most media outlets despise him and his family. The old pervert has been relentless in trying to seize newspapers and competing cable news channels. He is trying to reshape the news from its perceived liberal bias.

Murdoch often gets into Trump's ear played a role in the Time Warner/AT&T merger. AT&T wanted to buy CNN, Turner Network Group and it was delayed. Trump personally wanted the merger to fall.

Democrats who often criticized big companies dominating policies should take note that Fox News is a corporation that influences policies.

9. Roger Ailes, the late founder of Fox News has been in the business of promoting Republican and conservative causes. He was forced out of the business after Gretchen Carlson, Megyn Kelly and Andrea Tantaros claims of sexual harassment.

Ailes who died in 2017 left behind a playbook for Trump and his army. Now under a new leadership role, Fox News is slowly punishing their staff for acting beyond the rules. Unfortunately it only applies to those who are contributors. They will never get rid of Tucker Carlson and Sean "Softball" Hannity.

Ailes told them to make noise and never apologize for it.

Since the rise of Fox News, Ailes believed the competitors were too easy on Bill Clinton. So in 1997 he and Murdoch opened Fox News to a different audience.
It's like that old fart Rush Limbaugh on cable.

Oh, Limbaugh was then a contributor on the network. Remember that 1/2 Hour News Hour....

10. Donald J. Trump

If Trump didn't win the election, he and Roger Ailes would have partnered up to create an alternative to Fox News. Since he won the election, he has completely changed the network from being a conservative-leaning news outlet to his personal public relations firm.

Trump and his far-white conspiracies have become a staple of Fox News. Every night during the primetime you either have Tucker Carlson saying something offensive. Sean "Softball" Hannity saying something crazy. Laura Ingraham saying something condescending.

Shepard Smith, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace have complained constantly about how the opinion hosts are driving the network away from quality journalism.

Trump has often used this network as a weapon.

Media Matters have constantly pointed out that during Trump's Executive Time, he would be watching almost Fox & Friends.

Once a segment is finished, he would often tweet this shit.

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