
Sunday, March 24, 2019

I'm An Elderly Lady! No One Calls The Law As I Am Being Served Knuckle Style Chili!

This was a cold hearted attack.
The New York Police Department made an arrest in the now viral video of a Black man serving an elderly woman a helping of knuckle style chili on the subway this past week.

Like I've said before, you got people too fucking busy recording this shit for click bait than rather notifying the cops to handle the matter.

I won't say this thug's name because I don't promote these type of people.

Nor do I want to sympathize with those who filmed this. I mean is it that hard to notify the cops when you see suspicious activity or witnessing a crime in progress?

So this woman was sitting on the subway minding her business when this thug decided to give her a full serving of the knuckle style chili.

As he gave her a plate, the other riders film.

As the elderly woman was grasping her face, the thug said that this was a "WorldStarHipHop" moment.

"Now WorldStar that!"

He exits the train. The elderly woman was left with bleeding and swelling to her face.
The guy who filmed this video is an asshole.
The thug was soon charged with second degree assault along with third degree assault and harassment.

On Saturday, the NYPD detectives announced that the thug was arrested. He is allegedly a restaurant employee at a local eatery. He was fired out the cannon soon after.

He could face up to 5 in the iron college. He will likely have to pay for the victim's medical bills, have an anger management course, forfeit his rider pass on all MTA public subways and buses. He will likely face community service like working for elderly and disabled Americans. He will have to explain this to his family. He will have to be forced to do charity work.
Pretty stupid and callous
The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Again, me and S.B have talked about click bait and the aftermath of filming without permission. Folks need to realize that all things aren't made for social media and profit.

That's why YouTube, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter,, Snapchat and MySpace are cracking down on click bait and shock.

They are removing videos, cutting back on hate of groups and filtering racist websites from forums.

Conservatives are calling this shadow banning. I call it, the bottom line.

Do you want a bunch of racist, hateful rhetoric on your social media?

We already got enough of this nonsense from them white extremist website that I will never mention, why give a bunch of white turds something to talk about?

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