
Sunday, January 27, 2019

Dirty Cop Kills One Of His Own In A Stupid Game Of Russian Roulette!

St. Louis Metro Cop killed by her alleged lover, a fellow cop. They played with a gun and lost.
The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department needs to clean up its act.

I mean this is the most ridiculous thing to happen. An incident where friendly fire occurred. This was an incident of stupidity.

This tweet didn't age well.

A dirty cop is facing criminal charges after shot another dirty cop. The two were either dating or had a friendship. They decided to play the ring of death with a firearm. You may call this Russian Roulette.
Dirty cop and his partner are in the freezer and will face charges for involuntary manslaughter.
Nathaniel Hendren is facing involuntary manslaughter for the fatal shooting of fellow cop, Katlyn Alix. This incident is making national news because the two were performing conduct unbecoming of an officer. The shooting happened a few days ago.

The vicitm and another were inside the living room at the suspect's apartment. The three decided to have a little fun.

Hendren emptied his revolver and then placed a bullet in the chamber. The three took turns at playing "click, click."

When the final round came, the gunshot goes off and strikes Alix in the chest.

Alix would die on route to the hospital. She leaves behind a husband and loved ones.

The suspect faces 3 to 10 in the iron college. He should get LIFE in the iron college. The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Alix leaves behind a husband.
While Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence, Gov. Mike Parson, Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) continue to endorse a stupid border wall, they clearly ignore the dangers of incel white men.

The National Rifle Association continues to pour money into campaigns to loosen gun laws and make it easier for future domestic terrorists to obtain firearms.

Two St. Louis cops played with a firearm. One of them was killed. Is this an example of bad cops putting the lives of others in danger? (Expect trolls to pick the dumbest answers)

Yes. The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department has failed many of its citizens. This is an example of police abusing power. The young woman death on spotlights the inadequate training of the police. People of color should demand more accountability with the SLMPD.
No. This was an unfortunate accident. The officer had used reckless judgement in handling a firearm. But this incident shouldn't be a black eye on the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. The SLMPD will hold those accountable and reinstitute reforms to prevent incidents like this to happen.

This incident marks 11. There were eleven members of law enforcement killed in the line of duty. Of course, this once makes the rounds in the junk food media.

We had four officers of color killed alone.

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