
Friday, December 21, 2018

Government Shutdown!

Government shutdown.
Former president Barack Obama continues to troll the fuck out of that imbecile. He went to a Washington, DC area hospital to hand out toys to children.

The week has been rough for our dear leader.

The stock market has wiped away its two years of gains. The possibility of a recession is coming.

The uncertainty of the global economy has placed the markets on fiscal watch.

The Donald J. Trump Foundation has folded. The New York Attorney General had reached an agreement with the foundation. They have announced the closure of the foundation and reimbursement of funds.

Trump originally created the foundation to donate his proceeds from his book Trump: The Art of the Deal to charitable causes. Trump stopped contributing personal funds to the foundation in 2008 and instead solicited donations from outsiders.

New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood filed a lawsuit against the foundation, Trump himself, and Trump's three adult children, Ivanka, Eric, and Donald Jr., alleging "persistently illegal conduct" with respect to the foundation's money.

She asked the court for an order dissolving the charity and imposing $2.8 million in restitution and penalties. She also made referrals to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's office announced that the governor would refer the civil case to New York's Department of Taxation and Finance if it is requested to do so by the Attorney General's office. Given the violations alleged in the civil case, some experts believe a tax investigation could lead to state criminal charges filed against Trump.
Trump boasted that he will be responsible if the government shuts down.
Attorney General Underwood announced that the foundation had agreed to shut down under court supervision and distribute its remaining assets to court-approved charities, although she did not end investigations of the foundation and its directors.

Donald J. Trump will not sign a bill that keeps the government running. He was angry that the Democrats managed to box the Republican majority in corner.

Who is going to be blamed for the government shutdown if a budget resolution isn't solved?

Donald Trump
Paul Ryan
Mitch McConnell
Nancy Pelosi
Chuck Schumer
Rush Limbaugh
House Freedom Caucus
Senate Democrats
All Of The Above

Trump had promised that he would shut the government down if he doesn't get $5 billion in funding for the border wall. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), the incoming House Speaker said that if you believe you can wrangle the votes, push forth. Trump knew he could get the Republican majority to stand with him.
Barack Obama is probably one of the best presidents in modern history. Damn shame his predecessor and successor aren't. Donald Trump might replace George W. Bush as the worst president in modern era.
Now the House passed their version after the Senate passed their version. Now the two bodies are arguing over how this is going to be a compromise. A compromise that must have border wall funding. Trump said that he will not sign any legislation without it. Matter of fact, he promised that old fart Rush Limbaugh and most of Fox News that he will hold firm on his threat.

About 400,000 workers are going to furloughed throughout the holidays if Congress and Trump fail to compromise on funding the government.

Trump hopped on social media to start blaming the Democrats. Only a week ago, Trump said he will personally take responsibility if the government shuts down.

Many House Republicans were defeated in the Midterms. They were just ready to return home to their normal lives and they weren't interested in a fight.

The House Do-Nothing Freedom Caucus and right wing agitators continue to be the burden. They vow to oppose any legislation that doesn't include a border wall. The loudest voices in the room are screaming at Trump to stay the course despite affecting thousands of government workers.

Outgoing Republicans and Democrats in the senate have compromised and passed a budget resolution to fund the government until February 8th, 2019. They weren't interest in theatrics.

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), the Minority Leader said that Trump promised on the campaign trail that Mexico will pay for the border wall. Schumer and Pelosi both agree that Trump is so determined to push forth an agenda, Americans rejected.

The American people are going to foot the bill for an ineffective border wall. Mexico isn't going to pay for a border wall regardless.

Republicans are going to be blamed for the government shutdown.

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