
Friday, July 06, 2018

Why Are Bothering Me At The Pool? I Live Here!

Guy filmed harassing a Black woman at a pool goes dark. He called the law on Jasmine Edwards while she and her child were at a private pool.
In Winston-Salem, a black woman was bothered by a white man who complained about her being at a private pool. She provided a card key to this clown. He still called the law on her.

Jasmine Edwards shared this on social media. The hashtag #idadam started trending this week. It comes in regards to the #permittpatty controversy.

A white woman called the law on an 8 year old girl selling bottled water.

Now a white man is calling the law on a Black woman at the pool.

The person in the video being filmed is named Adam Bloom. He was the man who called the law on Edwards after he demanded her to show ID and proof that she belonged in the pool.

Bloom claims to be a pool captain and was concerned that Edwards wasn't a resident.
North Carolina mother filmed a white man harassing her at a pool.
When the police came and talked to her, Edwards provided her keycard to them. They used it and it unlocked the pool. After that the officers apologized and moved on.

Bloom looking embarrassed refused to apologize to Edwards.

The pool and housing association immediately apologized.

Dear Neighbors,
We sincerely regret that an incident occurred yesterday at our community pool that left neighbors feeling racially profiled. In confronting and calling the police on one of our neighbors, the pool chair escalated a situation in a way that does not reflect the inclusive values Glenridge seeks to uphold as a community.
Our HOA Board has accepted his resignation as pool chair and a board member, effective immediately.
We also have re-instituted a sign-in sheet at the pool to make sure no resident feels singled out again.
And, in the coming days, we will take additional steps to ensure consistent and equitable application of our pool policies and procedures. We apologize to our neighbors who were directly hurt by these actions, and we hope that everyone in Glenridge will join us in redoubling our efforts to care for and support all of our neighbors during this difficult time
Bloom immediately quit his position as pool captain and then went dark on social media.

Yeah, welcome to Donald J. Trump's America. Where a white man can call the law on Black woman with her child for trying to enjoy an afternoon at the pool.

Yeah, this is Amerikkka.

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