
Sunday, June 24, 2018

While Mike Huckabee Post Racist Shit Again, Sarah Sanders Got The Boot!

Mike Huckabee slammed for posting some racist shit. Sarah Huckabee Sanders was kicked out of a restaurant. What a time to be alive.
Republicans are whipping up their base again. They are telling their supporters that if they don't come out to vote, then Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) could become the Speaker of the House and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) could be the Majority Leader of the Senate. They are fearing Democrats could impeach that imbecile, Donald J. Trump.

Mike Huckabee, a washed up politician who is a host on TBN and Fox News decided to put his two cents into the newest controversy started by Trump and his minions. His daughter is Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the current spox for Trump.

Huckabee is no stranger to controversy decided to post shit online to take a shot at Pelosi.

This was quickly condemned after it was shared on social media.

The world is watching our inept leader promote this zero tolerance policy to illegal border crossings. The debate of separating children from their parents kind of knocked away the historical meeting.

Also his daughter was kicked out of a restaurant.

Huckabee responds to the controversy. He was also slammed for this as well.


Huckbee Sanders used her official government account to whine about poor service. Can we say ethics investigation Sarah?

The RedHen Lexington kicked the bumbling spox. The restaurant in Washington responded to the spox. The one in Lexington

Yeah, post bullshit about Latino gangs is a joke. Getting kicked out of a restaurant because you support a moron like Trump is bigotry.

Screws are loose in the Huckabee family.

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