
Monday, June 25, 2018

Fox News Puts Turd On Ice After He Told A Black Man He's Out Of His "Cotton-Picking" Mind!

David Bossie in the freezer for using a racial slur on Fox News.
The man behind the infamous Supreme Court ruling Citizens United found himself in the freezer over at Fox News. During a Fox & Friends segment, Bossie got into a heated confrontation with Democratic strategist Joel Payne.

Bossie who is white, was placed in the freezer for a couple of weeks after he told Payne he was out of his "cotton-picking" mind.

They were debating over former NSA chief Michael Hayden's diss on Donald J. Trump when it comes to separation of children.

Criticism is coming from the left and the right. But for the folks over at Fox News, it's all about everyone ganging up on Trump and his minions.

Hayden compared family separation tot he Nazi death camp of Auschwitz.

Bossie criticized Hayden's tweet, which prompt Payne to reply that the former NSA chief's political alliances.

Bossie said it boldly and confidently, "You're out of your cotton-picking mind."
Joel Payne
Payne was not having it, "Cotton-picking mind?"

"Brother, let me tell you something. I got some relatives who picked cotton and I'm not going to sit back and let you attack me on TV like that."

"Attack you how? You're out of your mind," Bossie shot back.

"This is ridiculous, this is what's gone on in America. This is what we''re about."

Fox News immediately distanced itself from Bossie and decided that he need time to cool off.
Ed Henry ends segment after Bossie called Payne a racial slur.
Ed Henry said in regards to the controversy, "David Bossie used a phrase that clearly offended Joel Payne and offended many others. But I want to make sure that Fox News and this show, myself, we don't agree with that particular phrase. It was obviously offensive and these debates get fiery, that's unfortunate. We like to have a honest and spirited debates, but not phrases like that, obviously."

Bossie responded to Twitter.

So I can tell you that we're seeing Fox News embolden white extremism. To tell a respectable commentator of color he's out of his "cotton picking mind" kind of makes me think that Bossie had thought of other offensive terms to describe Payne.

Watch the video.

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