
Friday, February 23, 2018

Ted Cruz Calls Dems The Party Of Lisa Simpson!

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Ben Carson were Simpsonized. Cruz takes a shot at The Simpsons by calling the Democratic Party, the party of Lisa Simpson.
The longest running animated sitcom got thrown into the mix by the most hated lawmaker in Washington, DC.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) went after The Simpsons. He called the Republican Party, the party of Homer Simpson. He called the Democratic Party, the party of Lisa Simpson.

“Homer points out that guns are for things like protecting your family, hunting delicious animals and making sure that the king of England never shows up to push you around,” Domenech told Cruz, who replied, “All good things.”

Continuing on, Domenech said, Lisa Simpson told her father that the Second Amendment is “a relic, a remnant of the Revolutionary War era” and “doesn’t really mean anything anymore.”

“I think the Democrats are the party of Lisa Simpson,” Cruz responded, “and Republicans are happily the party of Homer and Bart and Maggie and Marge.”

The last time a Republican went after The Simpsons was George H.W. Bush.

The attack may have cost Bush his reelection for president. Hopefully, The Simpsons could predict the future again.

His challenger, Rep. Beto O'Rouke (D-TX) is hoping to close the gap and turn Texas blue.

At CPAC, conservatives gather for another year of bashing progressives, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Democrats. This time is seems different.
John Kasich serving Cruz. Donald Trump is frequently mocked by The Simpsons.
Last week we had another mass shooting in Florida. This mass shooting has awoken a new generation of activists. The activists were the survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

The conservatives have attacked the activists and called them crisis actors.

Republicans have not moved much on gun control.

They continue to use the narrative "a good guy with a gun" and "armed teachers" as a defense to gun control.
President Lisa Simpson.
The NRA has lost eight sponsors after Wayne LaPierre's CPAC speech. Dana Loesch also faced a backlash after she criticized the CNN town hall she went to.

Even though they were speaking at the event, CPAC removed them from the featured speakers section.

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