
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Yearly Wrap Up!

We still alive.

We close out 2017 with the ending of careers, lives and television. As usual, I want to say thank you for reading our blog. Without you, we wouldn't be doing this. And in 2018, we will continue to offer you the best we got.

So I will do my best to continue help S.B and our contributors. I am not going anywhere.

So here's our last polls of the year.

What caught your attention in 2017?

Powerful men in entertainment, religion, sports and politics being fired out the cannon for sexual abuse. The #MeToo movement has become a rally call. It overshadows Black Lives Matter, Never Trump and the Women's March. But for those who didn't know about the movement, it was started by a Black woman.
Mass shootings happening constantly and Congress won't curb gun violence.
Hurricanes left Texas, Florida, Louisiana,  U.S. territories Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands destroyed and American lawmakers slow walk recovery efforts.
Wildfires destroy homes in California, Oregon, Montana and Idaho and American lawmakers slow walk recovery efforts.
FCC pull a bitch move by recalling net neutrality. It ends fair regulations to internet and communication providers. It advocates likely price hikes and internet slow downs.
NFL players take a knee and it outraged Trump. Colin Kaepernick still without a team.
Trans-Americans got a place at the table. Trump military ban on transgender enrollment sacked.
Women spoke out against sexual abuse.
White Extremism is rising. The Charlottesville event made alt right celebrities Richard Spencer, Laura Loomer, Mike Cernovich, Baked Alaska, Jack Posobiec, Colin Flaherty, Matt Heimbach and others famous. The folks at twitter and Facebook deactivated or removed verified status from notable extremists. These folks became mainstream. Southern cities remove statues of Confederate leaders and anti-Black politicians.
The junk food media is holding journalists accountable for their reporting.
Major celebrities passed away. You may have heard about the deaths of famous celebrities. Tom Petty, Hugh Heffner, Dick Gregory, Adam West, Charlie Murphy and Mary Tyler Moore were notable deaths.
Pres. Donald Trump is the most unpopular leader in the world. Trump invents buzz words: alternative facts, fake news, covofefe, rocket man, MAGA, very fine people, Crooked Hillary, dotard, bigly and deep state.
Democrats overcome setbacks. Swept in Virginia, New Jersey and gain of a Senate seat in Alabama. Many are pointing out a redux of 2009. When Barack Obama served his first term and tried to pass the Affordable Care Act, Republicans won a seat in Massachusetts and it set up a swept of victories in the House and state governments. The Democrats did have setbacks with sex scandals plaguing Al Franken and John Conyers. But Kirsten Gillibrand and many Democratic women force them out. They managed to tag the Republican Party as the party of pedophilia. The Democrats are hoping to sweep 2018. They are cautiously optimistic but not confident enough to take on a powerful social media titan as Donald J. Trump.
Republicans in disarray and they are blaming Trump for not restoring order. With many of the Republicans in the House resigning, it's going to be competitive seats up for grabs. The Democrats won two governorship, a special election seat held by Jeff Sessions and is recruiting people of color to run. The Republican Party has turned into the almost majority white party. The party is still trying to jam legislation through without reading it. They went against their promises to be financialmy conservative. They are dipping their toes in white nationalism and it's turning off even Black Republicans like Tim Scott, Will Hurd, Mia Love, Omarosa Manigult-Newman, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and Charles Barkley. People of color are fed up with Republicans and conservatives undermining their freedom to protest injustice. Trump and Mike Pence can't lead a divided nation.
Donald Trump disrupts world peace. He pulled out the Paris Accord. He wants the end the Iranian nuclear deal. He taunts North Korea with name calling and threats. He wants Mexico to pay for the border wall. He won't say Russia is a threat to the United States. He wants Canada to pay more for exports into the country. He posted anti-Muslim videos from a British bigot and messed up his state visit to Britain. He angered China and Japan with U.S. Navy ship crashes. There were numerous failed military operations. Those incidents costs Americans servicemen their lives. LaDonald Johnson's widow made the news by telling the world that Trump doesn't care about who he sends to battle. Johnson's body was mutilated in Niger. It was revealed his body wasn't in the coffin. Now he threatens ongoing tensions with the Middle East by declaring Jerusalem solely Israeli territory. He also outs the world at risk with his rhetoric towards the United Nations.
More cops are getting away with murder. The shootings of unarmed Americans by law enforcement has gotten out of control. Even with body cameras, cops are still abusing their power. From planting evidence or using claiming "fear of potential attack," bad cops have put more lives at risk. 
Republicans try to jam through an unread and unfiltered tax reform. Not even reading the bill, Republicans try to pass a massive tax cut that could trigger major cuts to Medicare/Medicaid and the safety net.
Retailers are going to fall. The demise of Sears/Kmart, RadioShack, HHGregg, Wet Seal, Gander Mountain, The Sports Authority, American Apparel, Family Christian Stores, A&P,  Bebe, Marsh Supermarkets, MC Sports, Teavana, Vanity, and malls. Foot traffic is eliminated by Amazon. Netflix and Hulu have all but killed cable. PCs are not moving off shelves. Microsoft, Aol, Nintendo, Sony, Verizon, Sprint, Jawbone, Yik Yak, Uber, Equifax, Juicero, and other tech companies suffered this year. 

1. Mass Shootings.

From January to December we have covered mass shootings. The most deadliest mass shooting happened in Las Vegas. Most Americans want stronger background checks and a watch list for gun hoarders and extremists.

Nothing is being done to curb gun violence. All I've heard is deflection.

"What about Chicago?"

"Black on whatever violence."

"More good guys with guns."

"Gun free zones don't stop gun violence."

"It's too early to talk about this."

"Its always the [Democrats or Republicans] politicizing tragedies."

"Our thought and prayers to the victims."

Our inept lawmakers continue to allow this shit to happen. Republicans refuse to act on passing any reasonable measure. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) continues this crusade, even though he was gravely injured after a mass shooting. The moron believes the 2nd Amendment is protected for Americans.

The junk food media picks and chooses which mass shooting gets national coverage. Yeah, the Las Vegas mass shooting was tragic, but there were mass shootings in every state, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia.

So I can just say this with no remorse.

You're not safe.

Your thoughts and prayers are meaningless. There is no God.

2. Trump Most Unpopular President In Modern History.

Donald John Trump, Sr. is the 45th president of the United States. The former reality television star and business mogul has already became one of the world's most unpopular leaders.

The surprise victory has gotten many Americans wondering if there is election meddling. Trump so far has the denied any involvement in election meddling.

So far he's only been in office for one year and he's already became the most polarizing figure ever. Trump's policies are very unpopular. He made a promise to his constituents that he will try to build a border wall and have Mexico pay for it. He wants to impose a Muslim ban on travelers coming into the United States. He opened up public lands for oil drilling despite protests. The opening of the Keystone XL pipeline was a disaster. It sprung a leak near Standing Rock Reserve.

He backtracked opening hunting for endangered species after a public backlash.

The repeal and replacement of Obamacare is happening. It is being dismantled through nefarious deeds. The repeal of the Affordable Care Act is extremely unpopular and Trump continues this onward March to taking away healthcare from millions of Americans.

Those proposals were stalled or slowly moving along.

He managed to get a tax reform plan through (despite not reading it or knowing what's inside the law).

Trump was quick to condemn Muslims and immigrants who committed crimes and terrroists attacks. However he showed weak responses to mass shootings, attacks by White extremism and domestic terrorism.

Over 35% of his staff resigned or got fired out the cannon. Most of the staff is either under federal watch or attached to extremism. The most notable was Michael Flynn. His short reign as National Security Adviser came tumbling down when the feds were investigating him for leaking secrets to Russia.

So far, Trump's first year has been a disaster.

3. Sexual Abuse Second Most Dangerous Threat!

Tarana Burke became a voice of power. She started a movement and it gave Alyssa Milano, Rose McGowan, Ashley Judd, Terry Crews and James Van Der Beek a voice.

If it wasn't for Donald J. Trump winning the 2016 presidential election, women would have stayed silent. This year has been the downfall of many in politics, entertainment, religion, technology and the newsroom.

Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Bill O'Reilly, Charlie Rose, Russell Simmons, Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Roy Moore, John Conyers, Trent Franks, Blake Farenthold, Mario Batali, Kevin Spacey, Louis CK, Eric Bolling, Mark Halperin, Charles Payne, Morgan Spurlock, Brock Turner, Tavis Smiley, Ryan Lizza, Glenn Thrush, Jeffrey Tambor, Andrew Kreisberg, Steven Seagal, Brett Ratner, Dustin Hoffman, Jeremy Piven, Terry Richardson, George H. W. Bush, John Besh, Tim Murphy, Bill Clinton, Garrison Keillor, George Takei, Sean "Softball" Hannity, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Danny Masterson, Nick Carter, Tom Ashbrook, Roy Price, R. Kelly, LA Reid, Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck, Bob Weinstein, Travis Kalanick, Michael Orsekes, Andy Dick, Marshall Faulk, Jameis Winston, Ike Taylor, Heath Evans, Chris Savino, Eddie Long, Chris Matthews and the list keeps growing.

Men have felt the sting of the Women's March and #MeToo movements. The power of women has helped Democrats. They ousted figures who long held name recognition. They have fought tooth and nail against Trump.

Continue forth.

Women became the powerful voice this year. Hopefully women will run for higher office to oust these assholes.

4. Cannon Fire Hits Junk Food Media!

Did you see the end of your favorite show?

Did your favorite actor or actress become a pariah among Hollywood.

Did you know a favorite celebrity passed away?

As usual, the entertainment industry was rocked by Harvey Weinstein. The media now is doing soul searching in The way they promote their shows.

Most are calling for more diversity.

Television shows like Fresh off The Boat, Power, Empire, Star, black-ish, Jane the Virgin and Black Lightning are the only minority shows that got greenlighted this year. The shows are still mostly White and male.

5. The Mueller Probe!

When Trump fire James Comey, he triggered a FBI special probe into his alleged collusion with Russia.

As the probe gets deeper into Trump, his allies have been relentless attacking Robert Mueller, the FBI's special prosecutor.

It started getting interesting when Mueller handed indictments to five senior aides to Trump's former campaign staff. It also got into Michael Flynn, the disgraced National Security Adviser who had a table with Vladimir Putin.

Russia continues to deny any involvement in meddling. Trump seems to agree with it. Despite American agencies and allied intelligence determining and confirming Russia meddling, Trump and his allies obsess with Hillary Clinton and her ties to Russia.

Fox News has ran polar opposite to the probe.

So far the network has defended Trump by using weasel words to justify collusion with the Russian government. The FBI is working hard to get this wrapped up.

Trump is the one slowing the investigation down. If I was him, I would not bring it up. Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, and Mike Flynn could bring Trump's presidency down.

6. White Extremism Given A Pass.

Donald J. Trump has opened the door to white extremism. We know know names in this movement. We saw what happened in Charlottesville. We saw social media give light to these figures who are the underbelly of society.

Trump said these are very fine people.

Heather Heyer died because of a white terrorist. Trump didn't care.

We seen the rise of Alex Milo Yiannopoulos, Tomi Lahren, Laura Loomer, Richard Spencer, Matt Heimbach, Jim Hoft, Andrew Anglin, Jason Keller, Mike Cernovich, Lucian Wintrich, Jack Posobiec, Gavin McInnes, and Steve Bannon.

They have became household names.

7. Black Rebellion!

Colin Kaepernick is a hero among Black Americans. He became a prominent voice in the Black Lives Matter movement. He was sidelined by the NFL after he took a knee to the national anthem.

This year we see more Black athletes protest injustice. NFL players joined in solidarity to take a knee. It riled up Trump and Papa John's Pizza.

Trump called them "son of a bitches."

John Schnatter said that the protests were hurting his business and he wanted the NFL to stop it. It lead to him being fired from his own company.

During the kneels, NFL owners were plotting to sideline any player who took a knee. The owners of the Dallas Cowboys, New England Patriots, Carolina Panthers and Houston Texans were considering sacking it's players.

Carolina Panthers owner loses his spot after allegations of sexual abuse. Sean "Puffy" Combs expressed interest in buying the team.

8. Will Power!

The massive devestation of nature. Here in the United States and the territories. We seen hurricanes destroy Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Texas, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Georgia. The junk food media covers it for a few days to generate sympathy and donation drives. Once they leave, the areas still are destroyed and there's no end in sight.

Puerto Rico is a prime example of how our government failed. It might be a dose of racism and sheer ignorance, but Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens and the majority of them speak Spanish. It's been over four months and still half of the territory has no power to function.

Wildfires have destroy California. The so called Thomas fire was one of the most destructive fire in modern history. People lost their homes to one of the largest fires in American history.

Tornados have destroyed areas. Still many Americans are trying to get their lives back together.

Freezing temperatures and extreme heat has killed people. Trump still believes these events aren't associated with climate change.

Wicked weather events have lead to many Americans dying. Blizzards are getting more brutal even in states that rarely get snowfall.

Rain events have caused massive flooding and erosion of land. It weakens infrastructure and our government is pussyfooting on road, bridge and tunnel repairs. The potential of a natural disaster that affects travel is high.

9. We're Going The Wrong Way!

Yeah, the economy is doing well. It's mainly because, Congress couldn't do it job. The only major economic accomplishment is the Republicans passing tax reform.

The tax cut reform is now a law. It has forced a major overhaul to the tax code. It also allowed earmarks to slide through.

We have an opioid crisis in the United States. Trump declared it a national crisis but so far hasn't offered any solutions to solve this matter.

No infrastructure bills so far. It's delay construction to freeways, bridges and our electrical grid.

We have very low approval of Trump, Congress and local governments.

Something is going to happen. The voters are not impressed with the leadership. Someone is going to pay the price.

Call it liberal bias all you want. But Democrats handle business all the time.

10. What's Next?

In 2018, who knows? I know that I am a father trying to adjust to being a parent. I am not satisfied with my job. I owe taxes and money isn't pouring in.

But I am still confident and willing to keep the faith. Things will get better.

The U.S. Midterms could be a game changer. Could the Democrats win control of Congress?

Who knows?

The Republicans really suck. The Democrats suck too. If we continue having Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer as the leaders, we will continue to be demonized and vilified by these morons.

I believe it's time for fresh leadership.

Trump has three years left in office. We can make it even more stressful for him and Mike Pence. Keep resisting and keep pressure on Trump.

Who took the biggest L this year?

President Donald J. Trump's agenda doesn't go anywhere. The federal courts blocked portions of his agenda. He might not get his tax plan passed. The Trumpcare bill failed. Many world leaders shun him. He faces investigations over Russian meddling. He faces investigations for sexual abuse. He is being relentless mocked for having dentures, drinking 12 Diet Cokes and posting bullshit on Twitter. Embarrassing behavior abroad has impacted global status. His feuds with Black celebrities has him branded a racist. The sharing of anti-Muslim videos and knee toeing to Israel has sparked outrage in the Middle East. The Mexican government mocks Trump's failed promise to build a border wall. The European Union mocks Trump for pulling out the Paris Accord. Barack Obama is more popular out of office. The federal agencies are not happy with lack of funding for their departments. Many areas that supported Trump have soured on him. Vice President Mike Pence is unremarkable. He was mocked and ridiculed for attending a NFL game and leaving after 20 minutes after players took a knee. Pence wasted millions on travel. Trump wasted millions on golf outings and stays at his Trump themed properties. Steve Mnunchin and wife mocked for showing off at U.S. Tresurary. Tom Price, Steve Bannon, Anthony Scaramucci, Reince Preibus, Michael Flynn, Sebastian Gorka, and Sean Spicer were fired out the cannon. Trump has dismal job approval.
The fall of entertainment/media celebrities Bill O'Reilly, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Kevin Spacey, Danny Masteren, Harvey Weinstein, Eric Bolling, Al Franken, Louis C.K., Brett Ratner, Antonio "LA" Reid, Russell Simmons, Travis Kalinick, Tom Ashbrook, Ryan Lizza, R. Kelly, Jeremy Piven, Tavis Smiley, Mario Batali and Bill Cosby. Politicians fall as well. John Conyers, Tim Murphy, Blake Farenthold, Trent Franks and state lawmakers fall. Even allegations exist with George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. They got shamed and/or fired out the cannon for sexual abuse. They were powerful men in the media and politics. Each had allegations from numerous women. Al Franken, a former actor was a sitting U.S. Senator. Bill O'Reilly was the biggest voice in cable news. Matt Lauer was the face of morning news. Harvey Weinstein was the in-demand director and producer. Now the focus is on Donald Trump who has 21 accusers.
Roy Moore, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Fox News, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Tomi Lahren, Milo Yiannopoulos, Newt Gingrich, Breitbart and Steve Bannon are embarrassments. Their antics has now tagged pedophilla to the Republican Party. Their extremism has been an embarrassment to the party. It's time to fire their asses out the cannon.
The Republican Party. Full of ideas and yet nothing to show for it. Civil war between Trump and some Republicans has become an issue. What stood as an united front is full of disarray. Republicans held on to House seats this year with flawed candidates Ron Estes, Greg Gianforte and Karen Handel. But in November and December they saw stinging blows. The loss of statewide races in New Jersey/Virginia and the senate race in Alabama.
Sport teams who lost in the finals. The Cleveland Cavaliers, Alabama Crimson Tide Football Team, Los Angeles Dodgers, Nashville Predators, Gonzaga Bulldogs Basketball team, Los Angeles Sparks, and the Atlanta Falcons. Took a huge L in their quest to be champions.
Melania Trump for being married to Donald Trump. Not happy in the White House. Feuding with ex-wife Ivana Trump. Not memorable. She is mocked for being phony.
The millions of Americans who wasted $2 on Powerball see it go to a Massachusetts nurse. Nurse who was the sole winner of $780 million jackpot.
Michael Flynn said "Lock Her Up" now faces lock up. Flynn, Paul Manafort and George Papadopoulos are facing indictments for fraud and deceiving the federal government. Flynn and Papadopoulos cut a deal. Manafort got caught up. Russia meddling toppled Trump's allies. Jared Kushner, Roger Stone and Donald Trump, Jr. are under federal watch. Conservatives are trying to disrupt the Mueller investigation and are using simpletons like Jim Jordan and Louie Gohmert to discredit him.
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