
Saturday, December 23, 2017

Wish Upon A Blackamoor!

Royal pain. Princess Michael of Kent caused an uproar after she was spotted wearing a racist brooch. The junk food media calls her the black sheep of the British royalty.

Lock those calenders in, May 2018, the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The Brits are so excited that Harry is giving up the playboy lifestyle.

His girlfriend is an American actress and activist. Markle is biracial.

The two have been dating for quite some time. She would quit her role on USA Network's Suits to become a royal.

This Harry's first marriage and Meghan's second. The two are a wonderful match. Hope the best for them.

Now there is a royal controversy. Princess Michael of Kent riled up Brits and Americans by wearing a Blackamoor. The brooch is considered racist because it depicts a darkie. Basically a Black African who is darker than light.

Michael was being seen in her ride being driven by her husband, Prince Michael of Kent. She is known as Baroness Marie Christine von Reibnitz by birth. She is of German - Hungarian heritage. Her husband is sort of the first cousin.

The princess appeared at the royal gathering for the holidays.

This wasn't the first time she acted a fool. In 2004, she told a bunch of Black New Yorkers eating in Da Salvino that they need to go back to the colonies of Africa.

The black sheep always seem to be embarrassment. She would apologize to the public and Markle for her brooch.

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