
Friday, December 08, 2017

Fall Bloodshed: Mass Shooting In New Mexico!

More mass shootings. This is Aztec High School in New Mexico.
Mind you, the Republican Party is planning on rolling back regulations on gun safety. They want to pass this stupid law to allow concealed carry to travel pass state lines.

Well here we go again!

Another senseless mass shooting in the United States. This happened at a high school in New Mexico. The terrorist and two other people are killed. The junk-food media covers it for a few days.

And after a few days, it's just another distant memory. Nearly 400 mass shootings this year and it ain't going to stop.

In the town of Aztec, New Mexico, a terrorist went into the Aztec High School and attacked innocent human beings. The San Juan County Boys declined to provide information on the victims, the shooter or the motive.
Casey Jordan that was one of the victims killed in this senseless tragedy.
Donald J. Trump, Gov. Susana Martinez, Sens. Tom Udall (D-NM) and Martin Heimbach (D-NM) were notified about this senseless gun violence.

The school will be closed for the Friday sessions.

The state investigators and the feds will determine whether this terrorist was a student, disgruntled worker, jilted lover or a stranger.

Of course those in law enforcement and lawmakers will offer their phony thoughts and prayers to distract us once again from the real issue at hand.
Susana Martinez expresses her condolences. She won't do anything about it other than just do her meaningless platitudes.
These meaningless thoughts and prayers will not save anyone's life. It's a distraction. It's platitudes and political posturing. There is no God! If there was a god, he would never these senseless gun tragedies to occur. These are the acts of man. This is not the actd of some make-believe biblical creature driven to make people cult worshipers.

Gun violence is the number one threat in the United States.

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