
Monday, September 18, 2017

White Extremist Tasted Some Knuckle Style Chili!

Sometimes things like this happen. Too bad for the guy who wore a Nazi arm band. 

Make America Great Again.

This guy who wore a Nazi armband was berating a Black man on a city bus had tried some knuckle style chili.

This happened in the metropolis of Seattle, Washington. The guy on the bus wore a swastika arm band on the bus. Someone saw it and took a picture.

About that time he started arguing with a Black rider. The person posted on social media and it went viral.

This dude tried to slick talk to a Black man and guess what?
A good helping of knuckle style chili lays a man flat.
He got hard serving of the knuckle style chili with peppers. It happened in a split second. The guy was tasting pavement and was out cold. Luckily he survives his embarrassing ordeal.

Now of course, the Black guy is hailed a hero among people who condemn the Nazis and white extremists.

But for the Seattle PD, he might be a suspect in a felonious assault. The man will be eventually caught. He will likely be charged.

The city is dealing with some real crazy shit. The mayor of the city, Ed Murray resigned in disgrace after he was caught up in a sex scandal involving minor boys.

The city also had three police shootings in which the person was killed by deadly force.

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