
Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Shallow Tami!

The blonde beeyotch gets slammed for hypocrisy.
Since the cannon firing over at The Blaze, Tomi Lahren is struggling to stay relevant. The 20-something conservative agitator is a vocal supporter of this White extremist movement they labeled the alt-right. She made politically charged statements on social media bashing Black entertainers and athletes.

Lahren aimed her barbs at folks like Colin Kaepernick, Jesse Williams, Beyonce, Jay-Z and even former president Barack Obama. She claimed Black Lives Matter is a misguided bunch of liberals who attack cops and refuse to obey "law and order."

Lahern appeared at Politicon. The event is hosting many agitators from both sides of the spectrum.

Lahern was there to debate comedian Chelsea Handler. It appears that Lahren was caught off guard by the comedian's responses.

Handler asked if Lahren was a fan of Obamacare. She replied no.

"I believe it's my right to purchase health care, I don't believe it’s my right to pay for it for other people," Lahren said. "We need to find alternatives — what we have now is not working. What we had before Obamacare wasn’t working."

"Do you have a health care plan or no?" Handler asked.

"Well luckily, I'm 24, so I am still on my parents," Lahren replied.
Chelsea Handler and Tomi Lahren talk politics, Donald J. Trump and 50 Cent. 
Lahren admitted despite her hatred of the Affordable Care Act, she is on her parent's coverage.

That admission destroyed her argument on why she hated the law. The Obamacare law allowed children to to stay on their parents' health insurance until the age of 26. Previously, the cutoff age was 19.

Despite all the hypocrisy, most conservatives believe those who support their side wiped the floor with progressives.

Truly delusional people.

Her appearance on The View saying that she is pro-choice shocked many of her die hard fans.

It was the nail in the coffin for her former mentor Glenn Beck. It was said that Beck was so infuriated over her antics on camera and off screen, he was so ready to load her ass in the cannon and fire her out.

Lahren, Milo Yiannopoulos, Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes, Breitbart, Stacey Dash, Sage Steele, Greta Van Susteren and Megyn Kelly felt the wrath of The Resistance.

The Resistance is trying to take down Sean "Softball" Hannity, Fox News, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Alex Jones and Mark Levin.

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