
Friday, August 04, 2017

Robert Mueller Never Takes Days Off!

More than meets the eye.
The junk food media broke the news yesterday.

Special counsel Robert Mueller is seeking multiple grand juries in the Russia inquiry.

The Wall Street Journal broke the news that Mueller is seeking two grand juries in Virginia and Washington, DC to advance a wide-ranging federal inquiry into the possible collusion between Russian operatives and Donald J. Trump's campaign.

Mueller is investigating into possible obstruction of justice related to the abrupt cannon firing of former FBI Director James Comey, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, Jr.'s contact with Sergey Kislyak.

Flynn was fired out the cannon after he failed to disclose his contacts with Mike Pence and others.

Trump has said numerous times this is a "witch hunt" because of disgruntled Democrats and the junk food media not accepting his victory.
Trump dismiss accusations of Russian collusion with his campaign.
Now this is serious. It's not saying that Trump is under federal watch but does make it clear that somehow wrong-doing occurred.

The Senate blocked Trump's bid to do a recess appointment. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III is the squinty eyed bigot who is the Attorney General. He is facing a potential cannon firing because he recused himself from the inquiry because he failed to discuss his ties to Russian operatives.

Matter of fact, Trump wants to get rid of him quickly so he could appoint an Attorney General who could fire Mueller and shake up the inquiry.

Trump was denied a chance to pick a cabinet nominee without a full senate confirmation.

Sessions isn't leaving just yet.

Mueller also is looking into the dealings of Jared Kushner, Donald Trump, Jr., Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Roger Stone and Rinat Akhmetshin.

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