
Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Too Hot To Trot!

We believe the propaganda of America being the land of the free. For people of color, it's been a surreal experience to say at least. We still have a long way to go.

You notice that most modern day Republicans believe in the propaganda of America being the leader and only superpower left. Democrats are often trying to coatail on grassroots activism like Black Lives Matter, the Resistance and the Women's March.

Exploit injustices for votes and fear tactics. What a great country, right?

The junk food media is amazed by the archaeological discovery of the room where Thomas Jefferson's slave Sally Hemings stayed.

The 3rd President of the United States had lost his wife Martha Wayles in 1782.

Jefferson had slaves on his Monticello estate in Charlottesville. One in particular, was Sally. He would build a room for her next to him. A team of archaeologists unearth her room in the public restroom.

They found it to be a historical find.

The bedroom had no windows and it was dark. It had a fireplace, an area where a stove existed and the original flooring. The room was 14 foot, 8 inch-by 13 foot and went unnoticed for decades.

Isaac Granger Jefferson recalled his grandmother was "Mighty near White .... very handsome, long straight hair down her back."

Jefferson allegedly fathered six children with Hemings.

If you're a person of color and been pulled over by the police because of a minor offense like a taillight violation, you are not the only one.

Have you been profiled by the police, store detectives, or a concern citizen?

Do you believe that WS exist in the United States?

Well I guess, it's Independence Day .... for most of you. Thanking the military, the public service sector is tradition. The forgotten usually never get the respect. The thankless service, NEVER get the respect they deserve.

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